Chapter 4

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Celeste sat down at the long table. She set her sandwich and water down. The other girls were still getting their food. Celeste bit into her sandwich and looked around.

One thing about her was that she hated being alone. Ever since her mom left her for 2 minutes at a carnival to answer a phone call and never come back. It was raining hard that day and little Celeste trembled in the chilly weather.

A police officer found her and called her dad. Celeste shivered at the memory. She decided to finish her food and head out. Another walk wouldn't hurt.

As she left the cafeteria, it was suddenly getting breezy outside. She rubbed her arms. There weren't many people outside, presumably all in the cafeteria. She spotted a rocking bench and sat down.

After about 2 minutes, her head started pounding. She rubbed at her temples, attempting to soothe the pain.

"Ugh!" She whined. Then she heard footsteps coming towards her. Celeste hoisted herself up. She bugged her eyes out. It was Lake.

"Hey." He said. Celeste shook her head several times. She had to be dreaming. There was no way he was talking to her. Except he was.

"You okay? I heard something like groaning." Celeste was dazed. A strand fell in his worrying eyes. He looks even better up close. Celeste thought. Lake stared at her with concern.

Celeste decided to speak up before he thought she was even more of a freak.

"Um I'm- I'm great it's just this head- headache." She stumbled on her words. She internally kicked herself.

"Why can't I be normal?" Celeste lowered her voice.

Lake didn't seem to hear the last part as he stepped closer to her. He gestured to the bench. "May I sit with you?" Celeste nodded and scooted over time give him space.

The added weight caused the bench to sway. She looked over at him and admired his face. Celeste perceived that his side profile was remarkable. Lake had a chiseled jawline that Celeste thought looked perfectly carved.

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Lake didn't talk for a full minute that Celeste wondered if he fell asleep.

" I love when it's so quiet, all you hear is the rustling of the trees." He finally said. Celeste nodded. Then realized he couldn't see her so she said,

"Yeah it's relaxing isn't it?"

Lake smiled. "Very"

He still had his head inclined so Celeste did so too. Her head felt like it would split in two. So much that she couldn't lean her head any longer. Celeste grabbed her head in pain.

She couldn't help but grow mad over the fact, why the hell was her head hurting now of all times? Now that she gets to talk to Lake? Celeste groaned which made Lake open his eyes.

He put his hand on her shoulder, supportingly.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look like you're in deep pain."
Celeste tried to speak but couldn't. Lake stood up and gently lifted Celeste up.

"Come here, I'll take you to the nurse." He offered. She bobbed her head and rested it on his shoulder. As they walked he asked her,
"What's your name?"

"Celeste." She responded. Lake grinned. "Pretty name. I'm Lake." Even though Celeste already knew his name, she couldn't help but ask.

"Why's your name Lake?"

Lake chuckled at that. "My mom couldn't make it to the hospital. So she gave birth to me by a lake. Hence the name." He explained, laughing.

Celeste laughed with him but abruptly stopped because it made the pain worse.

They arrived inside the nurse's room and Lake set her down on the small chair near the far wall. "Stay here. I'll call the nurse." Lake told her and disappeared inside another room.

Celeste didn't remember seeing a nurse. Only the growing sight of blackness.

Author's note:
Looks like Celeste and Lake finally meet!
Except Celeste blacks out.
What's gonna happen next?

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