Chapter 18

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"What the fuc-" The rest of James's sentence was cut short by the hand lunging for his feet.

"No-no!" He tried to get back to shore but the hand dragged him down. Emilio and Remy panicked in horror.

"Go in and save him!" Remy pushed at Emilio. Emilio's eyes scanned the water anxiously.

"It's too dark! I'll lose sight of him." He leaned over the tape, squinting. James gulped for air when he could get to the surface. His arms were flailing, desiring to grabs hold of anything.

Water slipped through his fingers. His chest burned from lack of oxygen. "HELP!" He bellowed, coughing up water. Emilio and Remy dove in quickly.

James kicked at the hand with no use. He could feel his weight sinking as water began filling up his lungs. The idea of survival nipped at the back of his brain, struggling to resurface.

James could feel his throat clogging with liquid. Remy and Emilio swam over to him in full tilt. Suddenly James' body stopped fighting to emerge. He began descending under the water.

Emilio went under, his hands exploring the water. Remy followed suit. Emilio felt James's frame. He hauled him up, having difficultly holding him to the surface.

"Quick! Grab his legs and swim fast to the shore!" He ordered her, hustling James to her reach. Remy's arm felt heavy as she swam. When they got to the yellow tape, they lugged his body to the edge.

James was unconscious. "I don't know CPR Rem!" Emilio shouted, alarmed. Remy racked her brain for some information.

"Uh I remember when we had to do it for some dummies in health class in which-" Emilio cut her off, shaking her shoulder.

"Do you know it at all or not?!"

She nodded. "I remember a bit which is all we need. Lay him on his back."

Emilio did as he was told. Remy tucked a damp hair behind her ear. She put the heel of right hand at the center of James's chest. Then Remy put her left hand on top of her right, interlocking her fingers.

She leaned directly over him, then pressed down on his chest. After about 25 pumps she opened his mouth, blowing air inside.

"Is it working?" Emilio asked.

"Shut up I have to concentrate." She told him. He put a finger over his mouth and mimicked zipping it shut.

As she blew in the air, James's chest began to rise. She repositioned his head and repeated the cycle. Miraculously, James shot up, coughing up leftover water.

"James!" Emilio and Remy shouted in unison. He looked confused at first then examined both of their wet figures.

"I drowned didn't I?" He asked. At the same time, Remy and Emilio crushed him with a bear hug. Remy felt a tear begin to fall. Emilio buried his head into the crook of James's neck.

"I thought you were gonna die James. Thank God Remy knew CPR." He said, ruffling Remy's hair. They all pulled back. James stared at Remy with appreciation.

He reached for her hand. Remy give him a bittersweet smile, wiping at her eye. "Thank you so much Remy." He placed a kiss on her hand.

The sweetness in his tone gave Remy a warm feeling in her heart. "Of course. Ugh I'm getting emotional." She laughed heartily. He let go of her hand. Emilio playfully grimaced.

"What am I chopped liver?" He joked, shoving James.

"I helped get your body out of the water."

James grinned at him. "Thanks Emilio for dragging my lifeless body out of the water."

"Why'd that sound sarcastic?" Emilio sneered.

James dropped his shoulders, beaming. "You always have to have the last word about something huh?"

Emilio nodded, smirking. Remy put her arm around them both. "I love you goofballs."

"We love you too." The boys said simultaneously.

"Jinx!" They pointed at each other. Remy snacked their heads at the same time. Emilio and James rubbed at their heads.

"Why are you always hitting us?" Emilio asked her soothing the pain on his head.

"Cause I can." She stated, shrugging. Emilio turned to James wiggling his eyebrows.

"So why don't we challenge you to a tickling contest, Remy."

"Why a tickling con- hey that's not fair. I'm extremely ticklish." Remy stood up backing away. James and Emilio got up too, moving towards her with a mischievous look.

"No get away from me guys!" She stayed a distanced from them. James looked at Emilio nodding.

"Get her!" They both charged at her. Remy tried to run away, but tripped on a chunk of rock in her path.

"Ugh! Damn rock." She complained. James and Emilio leaped towards her, planting tickles all over her. She involuntarily giggled, trying to push them off of her. She felt a wave of happiness and annoyance take over her body.

Remy was out of breath, yelling at them to stop. Emilio and James oblige.

Suddenly a flashlight cane into view. They all ceased their fun and grew silent. The counselor named Josh, stalked over to them.

"Why the hell are you guys out here at 2 am?!" He growled at them, flashing lights over all their faces.

"And why are you all wet?" He questioned them.

"Um cause we swam?" Emilio sarcastically replied. Remy and James both slapped his arm. "Ow!" Emilio whimpered. Josh was infuriated.

"First of all you guys broke curfew. Second, why are you swimming? This camp is on lockdown! We don't any of you to get hurt!" He snapped at them, crossing his bulging arm.

They all averted their gaze, trying not to laugh at the irony of the last part.

"You're gonna clean job the cafeteria and you can't participate in any activities for 2 weeks." Josh said, gesturing them with his hand to stand up.

"Um well I'm leaving tomorrow." James spoke up. Josh glared at him.

"Well then the two of you misfits." He pointed his finger in Remy and Emilio's direction.
"Let's go! Back to your cabins. Your little party is over." Josh led the way, not waiting for them to follow.

Behind him Remy flipped him off. Emilio mimicked Josh, pretending to yell at the two of them. James fake punched and kicked at Josh's back.

A slight laugh escaped Remy's mouth. She put a hand over her mouth, hoping to stifle the sound.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Josh asked them, turning to face them.

"Nothing!" They all said.

Author's note:
I love how this chapter went from creepy to light hearted. But anyways I love their trio a lot❤️
& editing this i realized, I rushed and made errors 🤦🏾‍♀️

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