Chapter 6

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The next morning Remy met up with Emilio in the cafeteria for breakfast. First, she texted Celeste. She hasn't seen her since they parted ways yesterday afternoon.

When Remy spotted Emilio coming toward her, she put her phone in her pocket. Then sauntered over to him, grinning. After Dario arrived, Emilio's been on edge.

Watching Dario's every move, Remy tried to subdue his unsettledness with no progress. Remy hoped today they could go kayaking to get his mind off it.

"Guess what we're doing today?" Remy asked.

Emilio raised his eyebrows, waiting for the answer.
"Kayaking! Since its Wednesday and we needa a day of fun." She threw her arm around him.

They walked over to the food line and grabbed a plate.

"Okay sure. Can I bring my friend James too?" Emilio asked, moving up in the line. Remy nodded yes.
"Sure why not? The more the merrier."

At that thought Remy pulled out her phone again. No message from Celeste. She frowned. Usually Celeste texted her back no less than 3 minutes.

"Move up, you're holding up the line Remy" Emilio pulled her forward.

"Oops." Remy pushed her phone back into her pocket.


At 3 o'clock Remy, James, and Emilio went down to the lake. Some people were already down there.

"Let's grab a kayak." Remy told the boys. They followed her over to the shed. Remy grabbed a life jacket and handed two more to the guys. After they got situated, out of the corner of her eye, Remy saw Dario.

He was alone. Dario was sitting on the bench near the shed. Just watching everyone. Remy squinted at something in Dario's hand. He had a notebook and pen.

Once in a while, he would observe and write inside it. Remy pondered on what he could be writing. At the same time it was none of her business.

Yet she couldn't help but be curious. She shook her head and walked over to Emilio and James. They were laughing and Remy smiled.

"What'd I miss?"

James held his stomach, steadying himself. Then he said,

"Apparently yesterday out favorite guy here was running from a swarm of bees."

Emilio feigned annoyance.
"Bees are scary!" He pouted. "Plus who wants to get stung?" He pointed out. Remy chucked, bobbing her head.

"You didn't lie." Remy agreed with Emilio. He smiled at her.

"Okay guys get your kayaks, and let's start kayaking!" A conselour yelled to everyone. Then the rest of them grabbed theu kayaks and headed over to the water. Before Remy set herself in, she took one last glimpse at Dario' s direction. He was gone.

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