Chapter 01: The Unfortunate Accident

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-Kyoki's POV-

"Eh?, Why do I feel so...short?" I said, staring down at my much smaller hands.

-five minutes earlier-

Slash, cut, stab. The guards fell down, dead. Blood seeping out from under their unmoving forms and sinking into the tiny cracks in the concrete floor.

I held a card in between my index and middle finger, blood dripped down its face, over the Ace of Spades.

I flicked the blood off with a twitch of the card and it disappeared back into my sleeve. I strode forward, deeper into the heavily guarded vault containing the item my client wanted.

They only gave me a description of what the object looked like, not what it did. My client was a older woman obsessed with looking as youthful as possible.

I hated her but she paid well, and so I took the job. I walked down hall after hall, killing guards on my way.

"For something so valuable, they don't even have a single Nen user protecting it" I muttered, disappointed.

I walked down more maze like halls, finally ending at a important looking set of doors. I grinned "About time" I said, and a person appeared from the shadows.

"So you noticed me" they said. It was a big, bulky man, with huge, useless muscles and a military uniform on.

He looked like and enhancer, his serious expression confirming it. "Of course, it's hard to overlook an aura such as yours, even with Zetsu" I said.

He chuckled "And here I thought I'd fooled you" he said. I laughed "Dear, you are 50 years too early to think you can hide from me" I flicked my hand and a card appeared in it.

I flipped it over so he could see it. "Ace of Hearts, I'll be taking your blood pumper now" I smiled. It was his turn to laugh.

"Try it Missy, I'll pulverize you" he said, focusing Nen into his fists. I flicked my hand again the card disappeared again.

I walked forward casually. My foot steps stopped when I was just outside of his range and I grinned. With barely a breath of wind I was standing next to him, a card in my hand.

A perfectly circular hole was strait through his chest and blood started to leak out. However as it had nothing to pump it the flow was very weak.

He twitched and his eyes alone turned towards me. I smiled happily and lifted the hand not holding the card responsible for the hole in his chest.

In it sat his heart, free of blood. It beat once before ceasing. He fell over and I tossed the heart up and down.

With a flourish I turned my hand so it was palm down, the heart still in my fingers. I placed a clothe over my hand.

With another flourish I took the clothe off and a card was in the place of the heart. I smiled and sighed, walking to the doors of the vault.

I looked up at them "A magician's tricks really are boring when there is no one there to appreciate them" I said.

I walked into the vault, the doors lay smoking behind me. The walls of the room were reflective like mirrors, all of them showing a different angle of the object in center. There, on a pedestal in the middle of the room, sat a plain, black cube. About 4 inches on each side.

On top of the cube was a button, I walked forward and picked up the strange contraption. It was the one my client had described.

I turned but moved too fast and slipped on my wet, bloody shoes. I fell forward, my eyes widening as the object flew from my hands.

It landed on the ground with a clank, button side down. The button was pushed down all the way and the contraption fell onto its side.

I jumped to my feet and picked it up, examining it for damage. It started to make a strange, high pitched whining sound and it glowed bright white.

With a popping sound everything went black...I woke with a start, breathing heavily. I felt different somehow but couldn't tell how, I looked around and spotted the contraption.

I got to my feet again, wondering how I ended up on the floor, and walked over to get it. For some reason it took more strides than usual to cover the distance between me and the cube.

I also felt odly closer to the ground than I had before. I picked up the cube and looked up, strait into the mirror-like surface of one of the nearby walls.

I nearly dropped the cube again. My reflection was me alright, but me from 17 years ago. My hair was a slightly different shade of green, just as it had been.

My eyes were bigger, and I was about 2 feet shorter than I had been a minute ago. I stared at myself and reached up, touching my face.

"This...can't be happening" I said to myself. An alarm bell went off and my head jerked up. "They must have found one of the bodies' I thought, my shock overridden by the need to get out.

I tightened my grip on the cube and ran. 'Well now I know why that youth obsessed woman wanted this' I thought, having put that much together in my head.

A) The cube was responsible for my appearance. B) I definitely remembered everything from my last 29 years of life, so all my memory was intact. And C) that woman was soooo going to get it.

I ran through the halls, retracing my steps by following the Nen trail I'd left. I got out building via the age old way of making a shortcut: breaking a wall.

I ran through the forest that surrounded the location of the vault. 'That lady better pay be well for this' I thought, glancing down at my small frame.

'If I remeber correctly, I could still use Nen at this age, so I have that, I had pretty good stamina but was still just a kid, so I'd better lose them now' I thought.

I sprinted away, the cube tucked under one arm, vanishing into the forest.

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