Part 22

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I lowered my pistol as Paige sprinted up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. She whispered in my ear,"Why?..." I pulled her back so I could look into her eyes. "I warned him, Paige. I warned him and I killed him." She looked at me in disgust as I scooted her out of the way. I slowly walked towards the body in front of us as Paige trailed behind me. I squatted beside Aaron. Pure shock plastered across his pale face. A hollow, dark, hole dented into his temple. I could see pinkish redish chunks of goo spilling out the other opening. Brains. I smirked,"Ha...surprised he had any..." Paige raised her voice,"Are you kidding me? You literally killed him and you are now making fun of him?" I stood up and nudged the motionless body on the ground with my foot. "He deserved it..." I turned around and headed back to where the group was.

Carl walked back towards us, Paige following him. She didn't seem to be happy. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "What's wrong, honey?" I asked her in a hushed tone. "Just Carl...he's killed a lot of innocent people..." I looked at her concerned. "He is killing people." I looked over at Carl, who was staring at us. "Who has he killed?" I pulled her in close, needing an answer. "Tris...and Aaron...they didn't do anything..." She whispered. "Who is Tris?" I asked her. "She had brown hair, white shirt, black pants, he strangled her against a tree back there." She pointed in the other direction. "He was the one that killed her?" She looked at me, confused. "Wait, do you know her or something?" I kinda nodded. "We ran into her before, then we saw her against a tree and she was dead." Paige looked down at the ground and nodded. "Yeah, that was him..." She mumbled.

I swung my head in Carl's direction. I walked behind him to where he couldn't see me. Rick was at his side, talking to him. "Carl. Do you know anything about that girl that was strangled on that tree?" Carl nodded slightly. "What? What do you know?" Carl slowly looked up at him. "Paige killed her..."

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