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tw: brief mention of abuse, depression, anxiety and PTSD

"Ginny, Harry's missing. No-one's seen him since last night."

"We've checked everywhere he could be Nev."

"We think he's been kidnapped Luna, Harry wouldn't just walk off."

"Mum, come to our flat. I think Draco needs some support right now."

"Pansy, calm down. We'll find him and who took him."

"Parks, shops, alleyways, gardens, everywhere Blaise. We've been everywhere."

"Also, Dean, when you next see Seamus can you tell him Harry's missing."

Draco, Hermione and Ron's voices overlapped each other as they informed everyone that Harry was missing. Draco hung up the phone and placed his head in his hands. God, he was going to have to go to the ministry and say it again. Draco couldn't even imagine himself saying those words again.

Harry is missing.


Draco brought his head up and looked at Hermione.

"Let's go to the ministry." Hermione said softly.

"My mums coming over so I'll wait here for her." Ron said.

Draco nodded before being pulled into a hug by Ron. Draco returned the hug and felt a single tear roll down his cheek. Draco pulled away and stepped into the fireplace. They took the Floo to the ministry, it was the fastest way.

Draco stepped out into the ministry and waited for Hermione. Everyone seemed to do a double take when they saw Draco, they were so used to seeing him dressed up. Usually, there was not a crinkle in his clothes, his hair was styled to perfection and he stood tall with his shoulders back. But today, he had a sweater and some black jeans on, his clothes wrinkled and dirty. His hair was messily pushed back and his eyes were slightly bloodshot. Draco's shoulders were slumped forwards, making him seem a lot smaller than he actually was.

He felt someone take his hand. He looked down and saw Hermione who was forcing a very tiny smile. The two walked in silence to the front desk.

"We need to see the minister." Hermione said.

"I'm sorry but Mr.Shacklebolt is busy all day." The receptionist said without even lifting her head.

"Please." Draco said, his voice shaking. "It's an emergency."

The receptionist looked up and saw the state of Draco and Hermione. "Well, he's just come out of a meeting so if you're quick, he should have about ten minutes to talk."

"Thank you." Hermione said.

The two ran to the lift and caught it just before the doors closed. When they reached the level they needed, they practically ran out of the lift to the office door of Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"Come in."

Draco and Hermione entered the office of Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"Mr.Malfoy, Miss.Granger, good to-," Kingsley stopped in his tracks when he saw Draco and Hermione. "Goodness, what happened to you two? Please sit down."

"Mr.Shacklebolt, it's Harry, he's..." Draco couldn't bring himself to say it again. He knew he would break down.

"Harry's missing, sir." Hermione said, giving Draco's hand and reassuring squeeze. "We believe he's been kidnapped."

"What?" Kingsley's face wore an expression of shock and horror. "Merlin, are you sure?"

"Yes. He hasn't been seen since around one this morning and we were out all morning looking for him." Hermione said. "Harry isn't someone to just walk off, even when drunk."

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