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tw: brief mention of self-harm

Draco could hold the heartbreak no longer and he fell into Hermione's arms in a disheveled heap as his grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears. Draco shut his eyes as gut-wrenching sobs punched through, ripping through his muscles, bones, and guts causing him to clutch his stomach. He tried to repress the sobs but he couldn't, nothing was okay.

"Oh, Draco." Hermione whispered, her voice shaking slightly. Hermione led Draco into the living room and onto the sofa.

It was more than crying, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope. Draco's body wracked with an onslaught of sobs, tears and screams. The screams ripped themselves out of Draco's body as the sound of wailing and suffering echoed throughout the flat.

The pain was unbearable. It is the sort of pain that burns, as if some invisible flame was being lit inside of Draco. It seared through Draco's abdomen but the worst was when it hit his heart. It felt as if someone had sent a spear straight through the middle of his heart. He felt as his heart broke and shattered into a million pieces across his chest. Draco began to claw at his chest, desperate for the pain the go away. Dark red scratches lay above his heart as if he was trying to rip his heart out.

"'Mione." Draco gasped. "I can't take it anymore. I want it to go away. Why won't it go away?"

"Draco, stop. Please stop." Hermione whispered desperately, tears of her own falling as she watched helplessly as Draco suffered.

Draco clung onto Hermione's jacket as he sobbed into her chest unceasingly. Hermione held him in silence, rocking him slowly as his tears soaked her chest. The screams forcing their way through Draco's body refused to stop even as his throat tightened and he struggled to catch his breath.

Draco loved Harry so much, he didn't even know how to put it into words. He loved him so much it hurt. Draco could stare at Harry for the rest of his life and never get bored. Harry was Draco's everything and what are you supposed to do when your everything is gone? It's one of those things that you subconsciously pray never happens to you. You never expect it to happen to you, which is why we don't know how to cope. We're not prepared for something like this happen, we don't know what we're supposed to do in this situation. You feel helpless. That's exactly what Draco felt, helpless. He didn't know what he could do to find Harry. He didn't even know if Harry was alive or dead.

Draco didn't even know how long it had been until the screams had stopped. He wanted to scream but he couldn't, he couldn't physically produce the breath to scream anymore. Draco was silent but the tears still streamed down his face and his body still shook with every silent sob that ripped through Draco's body.

"I don't know what to do, Hermione." Draco croaked, his voice hoarse. "It feels like I'm trapped all over again."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked gently, rubbing circles onto Draco's back.

"I feel like I've been forced into a situation I don't want to be in and there's no way out. It's like being forced to get the dark mark again. I was trapped, there was no way out, I had no choice. This feels like that all over again but worse because then, I had people who could help. They could've gotten me out of the situation if they wanted to but now, I'm completely helpless and I don't know what to do anymore." Draco said.

"We're going to get through this, okay. Everyone is here for you, Draco." Hermione said.


Draco wasn't sure how long it had been before his sobs turned into gentle sniffles. Draco's face was still buried into Hermione's shoulder and his hands were still clinging to the jacket. He didn't want to bring his head up because that would just bring him back to hell.

"I'm going to make some tea, okay." Hermione said softly.

Draco nodded before bringing his head up. He looked down and saw deep, red scratches on his chest, he couldn't remember where they came from. He ran his fingers over the scratches and winced slightly. Draco caught a glimpse of himself in the TV screen. His eyes were swollen and red, still glistening with tears. His under eyes and cheeks were tear stained and damp from the previous onslaught of tears. Draco brought his hand to his face to wipe his tears, he discovered that his hand was shaking unceasingly. He dried his eyes before staring at both of his hands, willing them to stop shaking but they wouldn't.

Hermione walked back in holding two cups of tea. She handed one to Draco before sitting back down on the sofa. Draco took a small sip before placing the mug down on the coffee table.

"What happened?" Draco asked, pointing to his chest.

"You, uh, you started scratching your chest and said you couldn't take it anymore and you wanted it to stop." Hermione explained, her voice shaking.

"I'm sorry." Draco whispered. Just through that short explanation, he could hear the pain and fear in Hermione's voice.

"Don't apologise."

Draco looked down and ran his fingers over the bracelet. He wondered if Harry was still wearing it or if the kidnapper had taken it.

"What if he's dead, Hermione?" Draco asked.

"What?" Hermione seemed taken aback by the bluntness of the question.

"What if he's dead? What if we have to have a funeral?" Draco could feel tears threatening to fall.

"Draco, don't think about that. He could still be alive."

"But he could be dead. He could never come home and it's all my fault."

"It's not your fault. Don't ever say that it's your fault." Hermione said, sternly.

"But it is, Hermione. If I just went to that stupid party, then maybe, Harry would be here."

"Draco, it still could've happened. You wouldn't have been with him all night. Look at me." Draco flicked his eyes over to Hermione. "None of this is your fault, okay. None of this is your fault."

Draco just nodded, a single tear sliding down his cheek.

Hermione wrapped her arms around Draco. "It's going to be okay." She whispers in his ear. "It's going to be okay."

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