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tw: brief mentions of death, being chained up and blood.

It's been five days since Seamus left and three of those days Harry had been without food and two of those days he had been without water. Harry was so thirsty, he was so incredibly thirsty. Every time he swallowed, it felt like someone was rubbing sandpaper at the back of his throat, only making the burning worse. His head won't stop spinning and it feels like his vision keeps switching from being above water and underwater. Everything is clear one moment but the next, everything is distorted and there's nothing Harry can do to stop it.

He's so weak, he can barely move. Even blinking feels like it takes all of his energy to do. There's no way Harry could even attempt to break out of the chain that kept him far away from the door. The wrist that the chain was around was red and bloodied, Harry was sure it was infected.

Everyday, Harry prayed that someone would find him. He prayed that someone would pull him out of this nightmare and return him to Draco's arms, where he belonged. All he wanted was to be held and kissed by Draco one last time. Was that too much to ask for?

Harry reached over to the water bottle. It was empty but there was no harm checking if there was even one last drop of water in there. Harry's hand shook as he raised the bottle to his lips, he kept it there for several moments and was about to put it down when he felt the tiniest drop of water on his tongue. At first, it was so refreshing and for a fleeting moment, it even quenched his thirst but as soon as that moment was over, the burning was back and Harry was even more desperate for water. He held the bottle up to his lips again, whimpering when he realised nothing was going to come out.

Harry slumped on the floor, curling up into a tiny ball and he began to slowly close his eyes. Harry knew death was right around the corner, he could practically feel it's presence. Harry could feel it looming over him as his eyelashes began to obstruct his vision. All he needed to do was go to sleep and then maybe, he would be released from this hell. Harry smiled softly to himself as he realised he would get to see his parents and Sirius and Remus. He hoped they would be proud of him for managing to make it this far.

Harry's eyes were almost closed completely and he was ready to take Death's hand when he heard the sound of cars and sirens in the distance. His eyes opened slightly but he began to close them again when he realised he was probably hallucinating. It was too late now, they wouldn't be able to find him in time. He was just clinging onto the last bit of hope he had, but Harry knew he needed to let it go.

But, he couldn't let it go when he realised the cars and sirens were getting closer. And closer. And closer. Harry couldn't be hallucinating this, or could he? He didn't know. Harry could no longer tell what was real and what was in his head.

It wasn't until the sirens pierced through every thought he had did Harry realise they were very much real and not a figment of his imagination. They were actually here. They had actually found him. Harry opened his eyes and felt his heart speed up. It sounded like they were all right outside, they were all so close.

Harry used all of his energy to sit up as he heard footsteps begin to approach the hut. The footsteps were fast and heavy, like someone was using all of their energy to get to him as fast as possible.

"Harry? Harry?" Several different voiced called out.

Harry whimpered as he pushed himself to stand up. He couldn't stand up straight, the bruises on his stomach prevented him from doing so and it hurt for him to breathe. Harry put both hands on the wall to steady himself as his head spun as he stood up. Harry heard a set of footsteps get closer and closer to him.

"Harry?" A voice yelled out.

Harry knew that voice. That voice was his home. That voice belonged to his everything.

"Draco." Harry whispered.

Harry pulled weakly against the chain, trying to get closer to the door. He cried out in pain as the chain only cut deeper into his wrist but he needed to get closer to Draco.

"Draco!" Harry shouted as loud as he could, sobs wracking his body.

Harry was shaking, he was sure his knees would buckle at any moment. Tears were blurring his vision but Harry couldn't give up yet. He just had to hold on for a tiny bit longer.

"Harry!" Draco's voice was getting closer and closer and so were his footsteps.

Harry pulled at the chain in hope to get closer to the door. He didn't care that blood was dripping down his wrist because he had to get to Draco.

"Draco!" Harry's broken voice called out, the desperation and pain were evident in his voice.

"Harry! Baby! Where are you?" Draco yelled.

"Draco!" Harry sobbed. "Help me! Please help me!"

Harry heard Draco's footsteps approach the hut and in that moment, Harry knew that he was going to be okay. Draco was here, Draco was going to get him.

"Guys! Over here!" Draco yelled.

Harry heard a sudden crash and he assumed Draco had broken through the first door. Draco was so close to him, so close.


"Help me!" Harry pulled weakly against the chain.

"Bombarda!" Draco yelled, but nothing happened. "Fucking Seamus."

Harry heard banging and thumping against the door. Each bang and thump got louder but nothing was happening.

"Help me." Harry whispered.

Harry could hear Draco kicking and banging the door but still nothing happened.

"Harry, baby, stand back." Draco said.

Harry heard Draco take a few steps away from the door before sprinting towards it. Draco broke through the door shoulder first.

Harry couldn't describe what he felt as he locked eyes with Draco. It was a feeling of pure relief, relief that he had been found, relief that Draco was okay.

"Draco." Harry whispered.

Draco ran towards Harry and Harry collapsed into his arms. Tears were rolling down his face and his vision was beginning to fade but Harry knew he was safe now. He was finally back in Draco's arms where he belonged. No more fear, no more pain, no more being stuck in this nightmare because Draco had found him.

Harry was finally home.

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