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A couple of days had passed since their anniversary and Draco felt worse than ever. Nothing could take his mind off Harry. All Draco saw in his mind was Harry, all Draco heard was Harry's voice and all he dreamt was Harry. Draco hadn't slept at all, he was scared to. He didn't want to dream of Harry coming home, only to wake up and find out that it was all in his head.

Draco loved Harry so much. He always wanted to be with him, whenever something had happened to Draco, whether it be sad or exciting, Harry was always the first to know. Draco couldn't actually put into words how much love he had for Harry.

Draco was convinced that no one could make him happier than Harry, no one could make him feel more comfortable than Harry, no one could make him laugh like Harry, no one could make his heart beat the was Harry did. No one could ever replace Harry.

When Draco was with Harry, it was like all feelings of sadness and anger were muted. When Draco was with Harry, he could only feel happiness, love and light. It was like Harry was the sun, wiping away every cloud and radiating light and happiness wherever he went.

Draco sometimes wondered how such a damaged person could light up a room so easily, but then he remembered it was Harry. Harry who could do anything and everything. It was sometimes scary to remember what Harry had been through, Draco couldn't even begin to imagine the pain Harry felt. Harry's anxiety and PTSD were still severe and he suffered with nightmares, flashbacks and panic attacks, but he was getting better. Harry had made so much progress over the last few years and Draco was so proud of him. But this, this would just take back every bit of progress Harry had made and this made Draco's heart break. Knowing Harry might be back where he was when they first started dating killed Draco. Harry deserved nothing but happiness.

If Draco could take away all of Harry's pain, even if it were just for a moment, he would because no one in the world deserved it more than Harry. What Draco would give to see Harry without his pain and trauma.

Draco sighed and stood up. He needed to go for a walk, he hadn't been outside in a couple of days and some fresh air would probably help clear his mind. Draco got up, slipped some shoes on and reached out to put his coat on. He stopped before his hand could reach his own black coat and instead redirected his hand to one of Harry's coats. Harry was smaller than him so nearly all of Harry's clothes didn't fit Draco but he had this one coat that was oversized and it fit Draco perfectly.

Draco put the coat on and inhaled the familiar scent of pine and cinnamon. Draco missed the scent and sometimes sprayed Harrys cologne to make it seem, albeit just for a moment, that Harry had recently left the flat and was coming home very soon.

The coat was old and worn but Harry loved it, he wore it almost everywhere (because he looked great in it). Draco usually wouldn't be caught dead wearing a coat like this but right now, he felt more affection towards the coat than he had ever before. It was warm and snug, almost like a hug from Harry.

Draco headed towards the lift and mentally prayed that he didn't bump into anyone because right now, human interaction was the last thing he wanted to take part in. Draco was just about to stop in front of the lift when he decided to carry on and take the stairs instead, there was less chance of running into someone and having to endure the awkward elevator silence.

Draco had no idea where he wanted to go, so he just walked, letting his feet carry him to wherever they desired. Draco was so lost in his own head that he didn't realise where he was headed until he stopped walking and found himself in the forest. He was at his and Harry's place and Draco knew that right now, this was the place he needed to be. Away from their flat, away from other humans, away from everything.

Draco sat on top of a rock, shut his eyes and listened to the gentle trickle of the stream. When it was hot, sometimes Harry and Draco dipped their feet in the clear water that ran through the forest floor. It was peaceful and beautiful here, no matter the season. In the summer, the rays of the sun broke through the trees, illuminating parts of the forest and there was so much wildlife. In the winter, everything frosted over, giving the sense that you were in some sort of winter wonderland. It was just perfect here.

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