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"Who would take him though?"

"That's the problem, I have no idea. No one had any ideas." Draco sighed and placed his head in his hands. "All the death-eaters are in Azkaban so there's no way any if those could get to him, Voldemort's fucking dead, the Dursley's don't give enough of a shit about him to actually kidnap him and he wouldn't have just walked off."

"He was really drunk, Draco. What if he did walk off and got lost?" Hermione said.

"You know Harry would never walk off, no matter how drunk he was and besides, he would've stumbled across a phone or shop by now and he would've been found." Draco said.

"Well, what if it's someone we know?" Ron suggested.

"What?" Both Hermione and Draco exclaimed, whilst turning their heads to look at Ron.

"What if it's someone we know? One of our friends?"

"No one would kidnap Harry. His friends are his friends and friends don't kidnap their friends. Besides, if they wanted to take him, surely they would have done it earlier." Draco said.

"Maybe it was never the right time. You never know what goes on inside someone's head." Ron said.

"Ron, that's a little bit of a stupid suggestion. Our friends wouldn't kidnap Harry." Hermione said.

Ron raised his eyebrows and put his hands up. "It was just a suggestion." Ron mumbled.

"Okay, so we're still nowhere on who took him so what about why, why would someone take him?" Draco asked.

"Jealousy." Ron stated bluntly. Draco and Hermione looked at him, waiting for him to elaborate. Ron sighed before carrying on. "What if they're jealous of Harry's success and they think having Harry out of the picture would push them further to the top? Or what if they're jealous of his relationship? What if they wanted you for themselves and they're just getting Harry out of the way to get closer to you? Or what if they wanted Harry for themselves? It's a perfectly plausible suggestion with the amount of crazed, obsessed fans out there." Ron coughed which sounded suspiciously like 'and friends'.

"Well, if they wanted Harry, why not just take me?" Draco said.

"Because they knew Harry would never be able to recover from that. If you got kidnapped, Draco, Harry would never be the same again which is why I think it's more likely they've taken Harry because they want him for themselves because it's the same with you Draco. You'll never be the same person again if we don't find Harry." Ron said.

Draco sighed. It wasn't just a plausible suggestion, it was a perfect suggestion because it made sense. Draco had never considered this before but now it had been said, it made sense. Draco seriously underestimated Ron sometimes. But, just because it made sense, it didn't bring them any closer to figuring out who took Harry. Draco couldn't think of anyone who would kidnap Harry. Draco didn't think any of them had an evil bone in their body. Their friendship group consisted of Harry, Draco, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Dean, Seamus, Ginny, Pansy and Blaise and they were all so close. Draco didn't want to believe that maybe one of them had taken his Harry.

"Look, I know I may not be the smartest sometimes but I've actually spent a lot of time thinking about this." Ron said, after a minute of silence.

"No, you're right. It makes sense but who? Who would want to kidnap Harry?" Draco said.

"That's what I've been stuck on. Technically, no one has a reason to and even if they ddI have a reason, they haven't been showing signs." Ron said, sighing.

"It's honestly like he's disappeared off the face of the earth. We've been doing this everyday, the police have been searching for him everyday but there's no trace of him. Even magical tracking isn't picking up anything." Hermione said.

"It's so fucking frustrating because you would've though by now that something would've come up. Just something but we've got nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing." Draco ran his hands through his hair.

"Wait, you said magical tracking isn't picking up anything, right?" Ron asked, suddenly sitting up.

"Yes, why?" Hermione asked, confused.

"They could be using... uh, shit what's it called..." Ron clicked his fingers a few times, trying to remember. "A mislocator! Shit, yes, they'll be using a mislocator which is why magical tracking can't pick anything up!"

"A mislocator? We learnt about them very briefly in our last year, didn't we? They prevent anyone within twenty metres of the device from being tracked magically." Hermione said, repeating the definition from memory. "But, isn't there only ten in the world?"

"Yeah and one was at the ministry but it recently got stolen. My dad told me about it, they said they still haven't found out who stole it." Ron said.

"So if we find out who stole the mislocator, then we find out who took Harry and we'll be one step closer to find him." Hermione said, somewhat excitedly.

This new information was overwhelming Draco. He didn't know what to feel. Knowing that a mislocator was involved made it so much harder to actually find Harry because magical tacking won't do a thing but if they find out who stole the mislocator, then they find who stole Harry. Was he supposed to feel happy and excited or even worse than he already felt which he wasn't sure was possible?

"Um, I'm just going to grab a glass of water." Draco said.

Draco walked to the kitchen, his head spinning. He splashed water on his face before closing the kitchen door and pulling out his phone.

He opened Harry's contact and scrolled through the messages Draco had sent over the past few days. Draco had found his coping method, he liked to send Harry texts and voicemails. He has no idea if Harry is able to read the texts or listen to the voicemails and he knows there will be no reply but just knowing that Draco and sent them made him feel slightly at ease.

Draco clicked the call button and lifted the phone to his ear. He couldn't help but raise his hopes at each dial, hoping maybe this would be that last one and he'd hear a voice. Draco felt his heart sink when the prerecorded message came one.

Hi, this is Harry. Sorry I can't get to the phone right now but leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Draco couldn't help but smile slightly at hearing Harry's voice. Draco loved listening to Harry's voice, he could listen to it for days.

"Hey Harry, it's me. I miss you but we're one step closer to finding you, it's a small step but it's a step. We know about the mislocator so if we found out who stole it from the ministry, we'll be even closer to finding you. Come back to me soon, okay and-," Draco was cut off when he heard the kitchen door open.

"Draco, are you okay? We thought we heard you talking to yourself." Hermione said.

"I love you." Draco whispered into the phone before ending the call and turning to face Hermione and Ron.

"Who are you calling?" Hermione asked.

"Harry." Draco replied, softly.


"I text and call him. I don't know why but it makes me feel better. I know I'm not going to get a reply but I hope he knows how much I miss him." Draco said.

"He knows mate, he knows." Ron said, softly.

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