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It had been five days since Seamus had officially been ruled as the prime suspect and no one could find him anywhere. No one knew where Seamus would take him or where Harry could possibly be. Seamus clearly knew what he was doing because he left no traces and no clues. It was suspected that Seamus was still inside the country as no one under the name of Seamus Finnegan or Harry Potter had left the country, but then again, Seamus could've smuggled Harry out.

They were so close yet so far from finding Harry. It was so frustrating because it was like they were lost. No one had no idea how to continue the investigation, it's like they kept running into wall after wall in a maze, no one knew how to reach the middle and it was starting to affect Draco.

He was more angry recently because he was just so frustrated that they couldn't seem to move further. You'd thing after discovering such a big lead, everything would fall into place but it was like they were staring at a jigsaw puzzle that had one piece missing and no one knew where the last piece was.

The other day, Draco had become so frustrated that he threw a plate and the scary thing about it was that he didn't even realise what he'd done until the plate was in pieces on the kitchen floor. He'd tried to clean in up but ended up cutting his hand and he had to call Hermione to help him. Hermione had managed to calm him down but soon after she left, the frustration and confusion were back.

Draco couldn't help but wonder if he felt so frustrated now because he had let it all build up. He wondered if he let his sadness drown out the fact that he was angry and confused and it had been building up over time and now they were stuck, it had finally decided to show up.

Draco was sat on the sofa and he could feel the frustration slowly begin to build up as he kept going over things in his head, trying to spot just something that would help them but he couldn't find anything. Draco sighed before sitting up and counting to ten, this calmed him down as he focused on counting rather than everything else swimming around in his head. He finished counting and headed towards their bedroom, he just needed to sleep.

Draco usually tried to avoid sleep as he would wake up expecting to see Harry by his side only to be slapped in the face by reality but right now, he just needed to sleep and let his mind take a break. He didn't even bother getting changed, he just got into bed and pulled the covers up, desperate for dreams of his Harry to temporarily take over reality.

All Draco felt in that moment was happiness. His chest felt light and everything was just so... perfect. Draco didn't use that word often because it took a lot for something to be perfect but, this... this feeling, this trip, the sun in the sky, everything was just so perfect.

Draco felt the wind whip through his hair, messing it up. Usually he would have been screeching but right now, none of that mattered. He was sat in the back of Dean's convertible, his arm wrapped around Harry. The sound of the cars engine, Harry' laughter, his friends voice, music blasting from the speakers and the wind as it flew over their heads merged together to create the most beautiful melody Draco had ever heard.

Draco didn't know how freeing driving down country roads whilst shouting and screaming could feel so liberating. Nothing was trying to weigh him down. It had too long since Draco had felt like this, like he was a naïve fool to the world and god, how Draco had missed feeling like that.

He looked down and met Harry's eyes and all he saw was happiness. Never had Draco seen that in Harry's eyes before and it was something he would never forget. Draco never knew how loving could hurt this good because when Harry looked like that, Draco wanted to be stuck in that moment forever.

Draco's eyes gently fluttered open and he couldn't help but smile at the distant memory of the dream he had just had. He was full of nostalgia as he remembered the road trip he and the boys went on after they had finished Hogwarts. It was one of the best times of Draco's life, driving down roads with the roof down, blasting music as loud as they wanted, shouting everything as that was the only way to be heard over the beautiful sound of everything else.

He remembered how all his demons seemed to leave during that trip, and so did Harry's. Draco had never seen Harry look so at peace during that trip. It was Ron and Neville's idea and Draco couldn't be more thankful that they came up with it.

Draco, Harry, Seamus and Dean in one car and Ron, Neville and Blaise in another car as they drove around the U.K. They were gone for a month, visiting famous sights, beaches, forests, big cities, mountains and every moment of it was amazing.

Draco, being the aesthetic person he is, brought a Polaroid camera on the trip and had taken hundreds of pictures that he and Harry kept in a box in their living room. Draco got up and retrieved the box. He sat crossed legged on their bed and started going through the photos, reliving his past happiness.

Even though Draco was tearing up at seeing Harry's face and seeing how happy he looked, every photo managed to make Draco smile. Draco could almost hear the photos and laughed to himself as he remembered the stories behind some of the pictures.

He was rifling through the photos when one caught his attention. Draco wasn't sure what it was about this photos but it just jumped out at Draco. It was a photo of Harry, laughing. His eyes were focused just above the camera and Draco knew that Harry was looking at him.

Draco could hear and feel this photo. He could hear Harry's laugh so clearly as it flew away with the perfect noise of everything else. He could feel the wind as it whipped past his body but most importantly, he could feel Harry's gaze. He could feel the warm, fuzzy sensation he got whenever Harry looked at him like that, his eyes full of love and happiness. It was so obvious to anyone who saw this photo that Harry was filled entirely with love and happiness. The way the photo captured the glint in his eyes and the dimples in his cheek was just perfect.

Even though Harry was so clear to Draco in this photo, nothing else was. He couldn't remember where this was taken. Draco looked at the rest of the photo. He saw Dean and Seamus in the background, Dean was driving and Seamus was pointing and what looked liked shouting at something.

Draco tried to see what Seamus was pointing at but all he could see was empty fields and a slight smudge of grey. He also tried to remember what Seamus was shouting, but he just couldn't. It could've been anything, it could've been about a tree for all Draco knew.

He took one final glance at the photo before he went to put it away, but then all of a sudden, Draco heard it.

"Oi, guys. My grandads old hut is behind those piles of gravel!"

Draco dropped the photo as his eyes widened with realisation. He brought a hand to his mouth as he felt his heart rate speed up slightly. That was it. This was it. Draco scrambled around, trying to find his phone. He knew, Draco knew.

"Hermione, I know where Harry is."

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