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tw: brief mention of blood, mentions of being chained up, brief mention of choking

Harry woke up in a grimy room, the pain in his head still very prominent. He sat up and took in his surroundings. A small room lit by a singular bulb hanging down from the centre of the ceiling. Mould was creeping up the once white walls. Harry was sitting on an old, dirty bed, he looked down and saw his hand chained to the bed frame. A sink and toilet stood close to the bed. It looked as if the chain was long enough for him to reach the toilet and sink but no further.

"They won't find you, you know." A voice called out tauntingly from across the room.

Harry looked up and saw the masked figure holding up something, swinging it gently from side to side. Oh, fuck. Harry knew what that was.

A mislocator.

A device that prevented anyone within twenty meters of it from being magically tracked. There was only ten in the world and it was extremely difficult to get your hands on one. Harry felt his heart sink, his chances of being found were next to nothing now.

"How did you get one of those?" Harry asked.

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." The person snickered.

"Who the fuck are you?" Harry asked.

The figure just laughed before pulling the mask off. No. Surely not. Harry felt sick as he saw the persons face.

Seamus Finnegan.

Harry blinked a couple of times to make sure he wasn't seeing things. No way. No fucking way. This couldn't be happening. Why would Seamus kidnap him? Seamus was Harry's friend.

"Why are you doing this?" Harry whispered.

Seamus took a step towards Harry. "I wanted you so badly Harry, but I was just a side character in your little story."

"You were my friend."

"Friends? I'd say we were more like acquaintances, but then again, an acquaintance isn't constantly by your side for seven fucking years." Seamus said, angrily. "I stood by you for seven whole years, I never turned against you, I always supported you and you know what I find quiet funny, Harry? After being there for you for seven years, you'd think that you would've noticed me and cared about me but no. That didn't happen, did it Harry, because you ran off to that fucking death eater. That scum fought against you your whole life but you still chose him. You chose him over me. It broke my heart when my mum said I couldn't come back to Hogwarts in fifth year because I wouldn't have been able to fucking see you, Harry! I have loved you since we were eleven years old, I am fucking infatuated with you, I spent seven years trying to get your attention but you couldn't even spare me one fucking glance!" Seamus screamed.

Harry shook his head. "No, Seamus. It wasn't like that."

"But it was, Harry. That's exactly how it was."

"Please, just let me go."

"Now, why would I do that when I've finally got you?"

Harry shook on the chains, trying to loosen them. There had to be a way to get out. There just had to be. Harry pulled and pulled, not caring that blood was starting to trickle down his wrist. Harry could hear Seamus laughing to himself. His eyes flicked around the room, looking for an escape but there was nothing, only a door leading in and out, there were no windows. He fumbled around in his pockets, looking for his phone.

"Looking for this?" Seamus held Harry's phone out.

"Give it back." Harry lunged for the phone but got yanked back by the chains.

"Mm, I think I'll keep it for now." Seamus laughed as he pocketed the phone.

Harry was confused, angry, but most of all, scared. This was a whole new type of fear. Harry didn't know if he was going to survive. The Dursley's had taken things far, too far, but they would never kill him. Harry was ready for death when Voldemort tried to kill him so he wasn't scared. But this, Harry knew that this could kill him. He knew that he might never see Draco, Hermione or Ron again. And that's what terrified him.

Harry glanced up at Seamus. "You're worth nothing to me."

Harry watched as Seamus's eyes stormed over. "I'd shut the fuck up if I were you."

"Why should I? You're fucking insane." Harry spat.

"Shut the fuck up."


Seamus walked over to Harry before grabbing him by the neck and throwing him down onto the bed.

"I thought I told you to shut the fuck up."

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