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tw: mentions of sexual abuse nearly happening

Harry swiped his tongue across his lips, trying to wet his mouth. It was becoming harder and harder to ignore the burning sensation at the back of his throat. Every lungful of air robbed more water from his body and the throbbing pain at the back of his head only became worse as the days went past.

The dull pain harbouring at the bottom of his stomach became worse too. At first it growled as protest of not having any food but the growling was soon replaced with pain. He'd been without food and water for too long now, Harry knew he was weak. He knew that he wouldn't be able to fight back if Seamus did something to him again.

Harry was scared to ask for some food or a drink. He was scared of what Seamus's reaction would be to the question 'Can I have some food and water'. It was such a simple question, it only required a yes or a no to answer it but something told Harry that saying a simple yes or no wouldn't satisfy Seamus. Harry wondered if Seamus would do something to him or make him do something as a payment for the food; that's what the Dursley's did.

Harry knew he had to say something if he wanted to survive, but was death such a bad thing? He would finally be free of the nightmares, flashbacks and panic attacks. He would finally be free from the pain, maybe he would even get to see his parents, Sirius and Remus if he died. But, no, he couldn't die yet. He needed to be able to tell Draco that he loved him one last time before he died.

"Seamus?" Harry croaked. He cleared his throat before trying again. "Seamus?"

Harry watched as Seamus walked in, leaning nonchalantly against the wall.


"Can I have some food and water?" The question was barely audible.

Seamus took a few steps towards Harry. "Say please."

Harry couldn't. He tried to utter out the single word but he was frozen with fear. His heart rate picked up as Seamus moved so he was standing directly over Harry's small, shaking frame.

"I said, say please."

Harry begged and begged himself to say the word but he couldn't. His mind was too busy preparing for what was going to happen. Seamus placed his hand on Harry's shoulder, Harry flinched at the touch. He looked at the hand with pure terror. A small whimper escaped Harry's lips as Seamus began to trail a singular finger down Harry's back, getting closer to the waistband of Harry's jeans. Harry was sure Seamus could feel his heart pounding unrelenting as fear coursed through his body.

"Are you going to say please or not?" Seamus whispered threateningly.

Seamus's finger met the waistband of Harry's trousers and pulled them slightly.

"Please." Harry whispered in a broken voice.

Harry couldn't tell if Seamus felt satisfied or disappointed as he pulled his hand away from Harry's back. Satisfied that Harry did as he said or disappointed that he didn't get any further that Harry's waistband. Seamus stood up and left the room.

Harry let out a breath that he didn't realise he was holding, as a singular tear fell down his face. He placed a hand over his heart, trying to calm to erratic beating. Draco did this to calm Harry, he would place his hand over Harry's heart and run his hands through his hair until his heart beat returned to normal.

All efforts to calm himself vanished as Seamus returned to the room but Harry felt relieved when he saw the bottle of water and a sandwich in Seamus's hand. Seamus threw them towards Harry and Harry immediately scrabbled to get them, desperate to take away the burning thirst and hunger.

"You won't get off so lucky next time."

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