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I promise to find Harry.

The silent thought that occurred every day inside Draco's mind. Draco wouldn't help but feel as if it was a somewhat empty promise, they'd checked three places on Draco's list and they still hadn't found Harry and did it even class as a promise if he didn't actually say it out loud? And who was he promising it to? Himself, yes, but other than that there was no-one.

Draco sat down and sighed. This promise was all he could think about and Draco couldn't understand why he was getting so worked up over a promise. He needed to push away this feeling that he was making an empty promise but he had no idea how to do that. He could just not promise it anymore but then it would become a broken promise and the thought of that seemed so much more painful to Draco. He could actually say the promise out loud to somebody and promise them that he was going to find Harry but he didn't have anyone to tell. Yes, he had all of his friends but they didn't seem like the right people to make the promise to. Draco needed to make that promise to someone who needed it, to someone who was so helpless in this situation, but he simply had no idea who he could tell.

Draco let his head fall back against the back of the sofa and pushed the thought of the promise out of his mind. Instead, he focused on Harry. His Harry who deserved nothing but happiness. Draco wondered if Harry was alone, if the kidnapper had locked him in some room all by himself, leaving him with only himself or did the kidnapper go and see Harry. What would they do to Harry? Draco quickly pushed that thought away, he didn't want to think of anything the kidnapper could do to his Harry.

Draco refocused on the fact that Harry could be all alone right now. Harry hated being alone for long periods of time, he got really scared and anxious, his thoughts became too big and he often had flashbacks to when the Dursley's locked him in the cupboard under the stairs for days on end. Harry had told Draco the reason he was so scared was because he was scared someone would find him and hurt him, like the Dursley's did. Draco can remember his heart breaking when Harry told him this and he remembers holding Harry close to him and telling him 'I'll never leave you alone'.

Harry rarely went anywhere alone, he liked having someone with him to provide him with a sense of security and safety. The only place Harry went alone was Godric's Hollow where his mum, dad, Sirius and Remus were buried. Harry went back to his birthplace every month to visit their graves. Draco offered to come with him every time but Harry had always declined. Draco knew that Harry needed his space and it was still very painful for him and Draco knew Harry would bring him along one day when he was ready.

Draco had never been to Godric's Hollow before. He knew it was inhabited largely by the magical community but some muggles lived there. Draco had always wondered what Godric's Hollow looked like, whether it was a lively place or more quiet. Draco wondered if Harry's home was still there, if it had been rebuilt, knocked down or just left how it was. He also wondered what Lily, James, Sirius and Remus's graves looked like. He wondered if they were the most decorated graves, if there was always flowers next to where they lay.

Lily, James, Sirius and Remus. Harry had lost four parental figures in his lifetime and Draco couldn't even begin to imagine how that felt. Draco wondered if they knew what was happening right now, if they were praying for his safety. Draco wondered if they felt the same amount of pain he did. They couldn't do anything to help, they had to watch the searches for Harry and they couldn't do anything themselves.

He would do it for them. Draco would do it for them. For Lily, James, Sirius and Remus. He needed to promise them that he would find Harry but in order to do that, he would need to go to Godric's Hollow. Draco couldn't help but feel hesitant about going, it felt wrong to go there for the first time without Harry. It felt like he was going to see a part of Harry's life that Harry maybe wasn't ready to reveal yet. But, then again, Draco felt like he needed to go, like it was the right time to go.

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