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tw: strong language, physical abuse, rape. this chapter is very dark, so please don't read it if you don't feel safe doing so.

Harry's head hit the iron frame of the bed causing him to cry out but no sound exited his mouth as Seamus's tight grip around Harry's throat prevented him from doing so. Harry thrashed, trying to get Seamus to loosen his grip. He could no longer feel oxygen enter his lungs. He coughed and spluttered trying to make Seamus understand that he couldn't breathe but it didn't seem to be working.

"Stop moving!" Seamus loosed his grip on Harry's throat and punched him hard around the face.

Harry stopped. Anger was written across Seamus's face but all Harry could see was the psychotic look that was hidden behind the eyes. Harry had seen that look before and he was all too familiar with it. All it took was a blink before Harry was back there. He was only six years old when it first happened, when he first saw that look behind a pair of eyes.

"Stop." Harry managed to choke out. "Please."

"I told you to shut the fuck up, but you didn't and I think that deserves a punishment." Seamus spat.

Seamus violently flipped Harry over so his face was pushed against the mattress. One of Seamus's hands was holding Harry's neck down whilst the other pulled his own and Harry's pants down. Harry knew what was about to happen and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He was completely helpless. It was like he was six years old again. He could hear Vernon's voice so clearly in his head 'This is what you deserve, you worthless piece of shit!'.

Harry winced slightly as pain came across his body. He was used to that pain. Fuck, he was used to that pain. He was used to the pain that no-one is supposed to fucking feel. How fucked up does someone's life have to be in order to be used to a pain like that?

Harry felt Seamus attach his lips to his neck, biting and sucking harshly.

"Stop. Please. Stop. Let me go. Please." Harry cried out, his voice broken.

"I swear to fuck, if you don't shut up." Seamus grunted between thrusts.

Harry knew better than to keep crying out, it would only result in more pain. His calls for help were futile anyway, no-one would come to help him, he'd only get laughed at by his cousin or slapped or burnt by his aunt. Tears fell silently down Harry's face as he slipped in and out of reality and the past.

"Slut." Seamus whispered in Harry's ear. "Whore. Slag. Bitch."

Harry hadn't been called those before and it sent a new pain through Harry's chest. Was it his fault that this was happening because he was a slut? Because he was a whore? Because he was a slag and a bitch?

Harry heard Seamus grunt before he pulled out. Seamus stood up and kicked Harry in the ribs before leaving Harry and walking out of the room.

Harry didn't even flinch when Seamus kicked him. What was he supposed to feel? Sadness, anger, pain, confusion? Harry felt none of those things, he just felt numb. He felt empty. His soul felt hollow and silent, something he hadn't felt since him and Draco started dating.

Harry felt something trickle down his leg. Was it blood or...

Harry couldn't bring himself to even think of the word.

He stood up, wincing at the pain and pulled his pants up. He walked over to the sink and looked into the mirror. There he was greeted by the shell of a broken human.

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