Chapter Seven: The Hazbins vs The Marauder (ROUND #1)

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Charlie, Angel, and Doomguy came back to The Fortress of Doom, the Khan Makyr is corrupting into the Fortress's mainframe.

Vega: The Khan Makyr is overriding our systems. This Hub is of Makyr design, She knows the systems well.

Angel Dust: That's a woman?

A hologram appeared of the Khan Makyr.

Khan Makyr: This game has gone far enough...

Vega: I will have her removed in a moment.

Khan Makyr: Despite the loss of the Priests, Earth will fall and my people will survive. I will answer the human's prayers, reward those that believe.

Khan Makyr: The final Priest will be moved to a more discreet location. So our work can continue without further disruption.

Everything came back online, as the the hologram disappeared, Doomguy immediately checked one of the computers.

Vega: The third Hell Priest's location is no longer visible to us.

Angel Dust: So what? We gotta do all of that bullshit all over again!?

Vega: Not likely, I believe Dr Hayden can help us find the Priest's location.

Meanwhile on Earth, the remains Dr Samuel Hayden were being carried by Husk and Niffty, Hayden was sliced into two by a Baron of Hell.

Meanwhile on Earth, the remains Dr Samuel Hayden were being carried by Husk and Niffty, Hayden was sliced into two by a Baron of Hell

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Vaggie: Yeah... He ain't looking to good,

Niffty: Is he gonna be okay?

UAC Scientist: He was severely damaged but we don't know, his programming is very unique.

In another room Charlie, Doomguy, and Angel entered the facility in search of Samuel Hayden, they entered a research center where they were using the Demonic Crucible as the last source of Argent Energy on Earth. One of the reachers came up to Doomguy and lead him threw the facility.

UAC Researcher: m-My god. d-Dr Hayden was uh...expecting you for you to come and take this back, eventually...

Doomguy grabbed the Crucible as the three went up some stairs and reunited with the others.

Charlie: How's everyone been, Vaggie are you making progress?

Vaggie: Well Alastor's gone and we met a robot, so things have been doing ok.

Husk: Do you know what happened to 'em?

Angel Dust: We just got here assface!

Doomguy approached the containment center barely giving Hayden life support.

UAC Researcher: We ah... don't know how to access his main cortex it's all alien... We have to prepare for his careful extraction and were given specific orders.

Doomguy rips him off the the cords in anger.


Angel Dust: The way he's lookin I don't think we need to be careful.

Vega: His life signal is barely readable.


Just then a red portal opened and out slowly stomped a creature, it wore green gladiator like armor with a Argent Energy Axe and a double barrel shotgun at his side. It's name was the Marauder.

He and Doomguy immediately lock eyes with each other, Vega opened another portal, Doomguy just threw Hayden into it as the portal closed, the Marauder and Doomguy walk around the facility like a predator and it's prey, but the question is: Which o...

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He and Doomguy immediately lock eyes with each other, Vega opened another portal, Doomguy just threw Hayden into it as the portal closed, the Marauder and Doomguy walk around the facility like a predator and it's prey, but the question is: Which one is the prey?

Marauder: You were never one of us... You were nothing but a usurper; A false idol. My eyes have been opened. Let me help you to see... Slayer.

(Listen to any of the Doom soundtrack during the fight or any fight in the fanfic if possible for better experience idk why I didn't say this during the first chapter but fuck it)

Angel and Husk shoot their guns at him, the Marauder spawned a red energy shield and stopped the bullets straight in their tracks.

Niffty ran towards him with knife and gun in her hands. The Marauder shot Niffty with his shotgun and kicked her aside, knocking her out.

Doomguy shot the Marauder with his Super Shotgun while he was distracted but the Marauder shot a projectile from his axe and knocked Doomguy aside.

Charlie and Vaggie tried sneak up on him but he kicked Vaggie and grabbed Charlie by her neck. Husk plunged a knife into the Marauder's back so he elbowed Husk as he slammed Charlie to the ground and put his foot on her chest.

Marauder: I will give you the proper execution you deserve for being in my way, Princess.

Angel slid Charlie a dagger and she plunged it into the Marauder's leg giving her time to escape. Doomguy shot the Marauder in the shoulder removing some of his armor. Doomguy threw his chainsaw to Vaggie and she plunged it into the Marauder's chest as Doomguy shot his head clean off with his shotgun.

Angel Dust: Is that asshole finally dead!?

Vaggie: That was anti-climatic.

Charlie carried Niffty as the rest entered a portal to the Fortress of Doom.

To Hell(s) and Back: A Doom x Hazbin Hotel Crossover fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now