our quintessence event

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I pull my shirt over my torso, letting out a groan from how bitchy practice was today. Coach was obviously in a shitty mood, if the dozens of laps he had us do were any indication.

Will's eyes rest on me, careful and muddled from where he's seated. He's on one of the benches a little ways away from me, foot propped in front of him as he ties bright yellow shoelaces. His gaze feels intense.

Then his eyes dart away. So quickly that I'm sure I imagined it, that the entire thing was a faint cloud in my ever-churning mind. Another thing to add to the absolute confusion that has always fucked me up.

People stare at each other, I have to remind myself. That's what homo sapiens do. It's natural, an every day occurrence. However, Will's gaze is careful as it rests on me. There's nothing about his casual glance that should throw me off, yet it does.

My skin burns. Burns because I can't be imagining it. Burns because I'm looking into things way too much and too deeply. Burns because I'm overthinking and yet I don't know what to think. I feel like a bit of a mess. It's disconcerting, to say the least.

Now, Will clears his throat, sitting up from the bench and smoothing down stray blonde strands. I take the moment to glance away from him and to the rest of the space we're in.

The locker room's practically empty, save for Gavin who's making his way out the door, and telling us he'll meet us at the event after school today as he holds his phone to his ear, undoubtedly calling Alyssa.

The door shuts behind him.

Now it's only the two of us.

Ignoring the awkward moment from before, I turn towards Will, hoisting my duffle bag onto my shoulders and making my way out the door with him in tow. I will all thoughts to dissipate into thin air, utterly and completely gone. For now, at least. 

Although, my thoughts have always been a bitch, and will undoubtedly choose to peek out of the shadowy depths of my mind at the most inconvenient time. 

"Excited for the event?" Will asks finally, walking through the door as I follow after him. His eyes are gentle, slightly illuminated by the sunlight. He's not smiling, but his lips quirk upwards in that grin he's mastered. His hair falls over his eyes as they trace the ground.  

"I guess," I reply, taking him in. We're in the parking lot, now, and I scan the area for my silver car, lips pursed.

Squinting, I turn on my car keys, seeing a happy orange light respond from the distance. I hum, making my way towards it, my feet padding against the gravel road.

"I think it'll go fine, and Quintessence's performing so, should be good." Will says, making his way to my car, and yanks the door open. He has an easy gait, shoulders carefully sagged, eyes glancing around, Vans tapping the pavement with every step.

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