Finding Pandora (a Percy Jackson Fan-Fic)

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The day had started out like any other. I didn't know it would be the biggest turning point in my life, but then again no one really knows when their life is going to go through such a critical change.

I had woken-up to a loud bang. Letting out a small groan of annoyance I turned my head to my nightstand and grabbed my black glasses. After a minute of my hand flailing around helplessly I finally grabbed them and put them on, not caring that in my rush they had gone on lopsided. Looking at my night stand I noticed that it was four am.

With a sigh I slowly walked down stairs, still groggy from sleep. When I got down I saw my dad. His hair, which was already grey, was standing in all directions as if he had been running his hands through it constantly. His grey-blue eyes had dark bags under them making them identical to mine. He was wearing a suit and had gotten much thinner recently. I immediately knew he had stayed over time at the office again and would be going back in only five hours.

It had been a rough six months for the both of us. My mom had died in a car crash and we had found ourselves getting deeper and deeper into debt. We had both changed since then, gaining bad habits, becoming more guarded, and sleeping a whole lot less.

I walked passed him and to the coffee pot, quickly pouring us both a cup and sat down next to him. We both sat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the quiet and thinking, it had become a sort of daily ritual for us, some of the few minutes a day we could see each other. Once we were done he ruffled my hair. "I need to get some rest before I go to work. I love you kiddo." And with that he walked to his room, the caffeine from the coffee having no effect on him what so ever.

Standing up I walked to my room to get ready. I took long, burning hot shower then stalked over to my closet. I put on a pair of light skinny jeans, a blue-green V-neck shirt, my worn black leather jacket, a pair of combat boots, and the silver necklace that held my mom's old wedding ring.

I looked myself over in the mirror. My wavy light brown hair was long and I couldn't be bothered to do anything with it other than brushing it. Just like my dad, my grey-blue eyes had terrible dark circles from my lack of sleep, over them were my large black brimmed glasses that I had to superglue a few times too many. My forever pail skin was rosy in my cheeks.

I grabbed my brown leather over the shoulder bag and slipped in my school binder, my wallet, my glasses case, and grabbed my phone. I then quickly texted my best friend Kit.

To, Kit-Kat:

Hey meet me at Starbucks in fifteen minutes - sorry but not sorry if this woke you :)

Yeah I know more coffee, what can I say, I'm addicted. But don't blame my height height of 5 foot 4 inches on that alone.

By the time I was out of the house it was 6:15 am.

I guess now would be a good time to introduce myself. I am Arianna, I am sixteen (in my soffmore year of high school), and I live in New Jersey five blocks away from my best friend Kit's orphanage.

At school I get pretty good grades with an exception of my Spanish class, I mean I can barely spell in English. I'm pretty quiet when you first meet me but once you dig a little deeper you find my crazy.

I was so caught up in my own little world I didn't realize I had walked straight in front of Kit and jumped when she said, "Hey!"

Kit was wearing a stripped blouse, a black trench coat, bright red skinny jeans, and cute brown leather boots. Her extremely dark, brown hair was done in a side braid, her green eyes that had a mix of brown didn't need make-up to make girls jealous, and somehow, even though it was close to winter, she had a slight tan. She was around 5'6.

I smiled at her. "Hey, I didn't see you there!"

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah you were too busy with your head in the clouds. Now let's go in, I'm thirsty!"

I rolled my eyes at her with a small smirk on my lips. "Why are you so anxious, you don't even get coffee..." I muttered as we walked into the small and cozy store. It was pretty much abandoned because it was so early.

"Say what you want but Starbucks is still Starbucks no matter what you buy! Speaking of buying it's my turn to pay so don't even try to."

I sighed. "It's fine really, I have money-"

"Try to pay and I'll cut you off from How I Met Your Mother." She threatened.

I immediately stopped trying to argue and sighed in defeat. What? Coffee isn't my only addiction. That show is hilarious.

"Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you?" The middle-aged woman behind the counter said in a monotone voice. The bell at the door rung, signaling someone had come in.

Kit smiled. "I would like a peppermint hot-chocolate please, oh and can I have one of those cinnamon rolls!"

The lady nodded and looked over at me. "I want a chai tea latte and a blueberry scone please."

"It'll be out soon." Was all she said before Kit paid.

When we turned around we came face to face to a guy around our age that was standing a little too close.

He was tall, maybe 6 foot 3inches, he had brown hair that was messy yet somehow still looked in control. He had really big honey brown eyes that were framed by dark eyelashes. His lips and nose were a little big, but in a way that looked cute. He had a slight tan and a birthmark on his neck.

After a moment of looking us over he straightened up. "Do you two know a Kit Ekes; she should be around my age, a little younger?"

"You're speaking to her." Kit said at the same time I said, "Never heard of her."

Kit and I both looked at each other giving annoyed looks but after a moment look back at the guy who seemed just as annoyed as us. "Are you or are you not Kit?"

"Yes, sorry about my friend she's a bit paranoid." Kit said rolling her eyes at me.

"Ever heard of stranger danger." I mumbled under my breath; apparently not too quietly sense the boy gave me a very dry look.

"You are irrelevant, you can leave now. I need a word with Kit." He said, his eyes quickly skipping past me and onto Kit.

My eyebrows narrowed. "Did you not just hear what I said about stranger danger? I am not leaving you alone with her! Who are you anyways?!"

He looked straight into Kits eyes almost like he was trying to get something through to her. "The name is Eryx, Eryx Ekes."

I blinked. Once. Twice. He had the same last name as Kit. I looked over them again. Same hair color, same skin tone, and same cheekbones. They could be related.

"Y-you, y-you're-" Kit was cut off.

"I am your half-brother."

Just then, part off the coffee shop wall was knocked down, revealing what looked like a man with one eye and a bulls body- and he looked pissed.

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