I ; the beginning

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chapter one.
( the beginning )

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EVERYTHING AROUND ME WAS FADING. The colors blinded together making a pure white as I watched people I didn't know walk in and out of the room in fast forward. The tears didn't stop leaving from my eyes, I wasn't sure what was happening. I didn't understand anything going on, I just knew that I was never going to see my mother ever again.

The necklace was placed heavy on my chest burning a hole where my heart was, all i felt was pain as my eyes squeezed shut trying to drown out the noise around me. The room had stopped spinning making me tumble on my feet. Knelt to the floor my eyes looked up at the man in front me. I wasn't sure who he was but he knew who i was by the look he was giving me. He didn't speak almost as he wasn't exactly sure what to say.

I was still in the same room, everything in it was untouched and just like how it was left. "Eleanor? are you alright?" he spoke softly as if he was trying not to startle me.

I took a moment to speak, not exactly sure what to say in this moment, Of course I wasn't okay. I was stripped from my mothers arms and placed in this situation that I never asked for.

"What happened?" I croaked my voice sounding rough as if I hadn't had water in years. To me it was only for a split second the room was spinning but for everyone else it was decades. But i didn't know that yet.

"Come sit, I'll tell you everything"

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It was moments like these that I honestly felt like I was alone. Not that long ago I was in my own little world thinking everything was happy and dandy only to find out it was fabricated by lies. I thought I was going to be able to live a life with both of my parents present, I was going to Hogwarts in a few years, be a good student, be captain of my house quidditch team, make friends, get a job within the ministry, get married, have kids and then croak.

But no I wasn't going to get any of that, ever. Instead I'm standing in field beside me is the Albus Dumbledore the man I heard about for years about as he is the greatest sorcerer that ever lived. We stood staring up at the brick house, it was tangled up with vines, the field filled with different kinds of flowers, some tropical even. You knew they must be held up with magic. The house had an overwhelming warmth to it, it was the only house in sight but it was welcoming to those who stumbled upon it. It didn't have darkness or secrets to taint its image. But I knew that the minute I stepped inside, I would ruin its image forever.

"Eleanor" my head perked up at the sound of my name. My eyes much that resembled my father's stared up at the old wizard beside me, he didn't dress in tweed suits like he used to when I first met for a brief second before I came into this brand new world. He wore long gowns, his hair much longer and now striking white but his eyes were same shade of blue.

This was our routine for the past few months, us standing in front of lonely houses to see which magical family will decide to take in a mysterious poor orphan girl that Dumbledore struggled to find a home for.

"I have high hopes for the Diggory family" Dumbledore's voice rang out, the wind pushing his robes backs the sun shining on him making the colors appear brighter.

"No one is going to want me, you can smell the dark magic off of me." for a almost 10 year old I felt like I knew everything, I sort of did. I know things no child should ever have to worry about. Little did I know that in my perfect little pink bedroom in Hart Cottage my mother was planning my death.

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