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The next part took place at the forest of death, a place team ten knew all too well, and they knew they would clear this hurdle with ease. This was where they trained, with both their sage animals, and Asuma. So as the woman explained the part of the test, Shikamaru and Sasuke listened contently.

Naruto however felt off.

Somebody was watching his team. Their eyes lingering a little longer on him, and it made him disgusted. He stood there eyes unblinking before he pulled away from Shikamaru and drew a sword, the sword point directly at a grass ninjas throat. He watched as the woman smiled in a weird way.

Naruto didn't speak, and it fell silent around them. Naruto didn't know if it was his Namikaze gene that allowed him to sense as good as this, or if he was just a natural born sensor, but this woman was dangerous, and definitely not a regular Genin.

"Put your sword away before I disqualify you!" The woman that led that part of the test said, and Naruto just watched the woman who he pointed his sword at.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked, and the woman cackled, the cackle sounded very methodical, very menacing.

"You don't need to worry about me, Namikaz...." Naruto moved quickly, his eyes changing as he swung his sword and the woman dodged. The woman pulled out her own sword and she started laughing.

"Who do you think I am." She spoke and Naruto was calm, his eyes was calculating. He could see a white haired sound ninja start to prepare something, and with a quick saying of.

"Shikamaru. Left." Shikamaru took off after the white haired male, Sasuke sighed and looked to the woman.

"Grab the Hokage, Now woman." The woman nodded and left, Sasuke sighed.

"Hopefully Chunin, stand behind me. This will get ugly." The Genin ran behind Sasuke, Temari stood next to Sasuke.

"They seem to be handling their opponents well." Sasuke folded his arms.

"I'm itching to fight, I wish I was an amazing sensor." Shikamaru called out.

"Sasuke, this one can slice muscle. Gonna need another hand." Sasuke smiled, and kissed Temari on the cheek before activating his eyes, and heading to Shikamaru.

Naruto and the woman continued using Kenjutsu, before she started laughing when Naruto was able to slice her face, but her skin started shedding, the look of horror reached the Genin and Naruto spoke.

"Orochimaru, I've heard tales of you dabbling in reanimation, but I didn't believe even you would stoop so low." Naruto said as he sealed his sword, calmly allowing sage chakra to enter him his Sharigan changed. The half blue half red eyes was now completely blue, he could see the chakra that the man used, and it was black deadly chakra.

"Black chakra, you gain the power, but your life force is severely cut down, so you reanimate to live forever, so tell me, which body did you come to take?" Naruto bones cracked, as he allowed sage chakra to run rampant through his, as well as activating his diamond so his hits were deadly if they touched you.

Seemingly activating his Sharigan, his fox sage and his black diamond he hid from the world.

"Your chakra seemed to grow more. You are a strange child. I ultimately wanted Itachi, he was however hard to touch. Then Sasuke came next but, he was always flocked with you and Shikamaru. However now seeing you, it's you who I want, and then Shikamaru would become that males plaything."

Naruto stood there, and a few Genin gasped. Temari and her brothers along with Menma knew Naruto was upset by that statement. Naruto loved Shikamaru, telling them he did, and he was just waiting for the right moment to tell him, hearing from an enemy that he plans on taking your husband for one of his subordinates,

It would result in a bloodbath.

Naruto opened his eyes, deep blue oceanic chakra leaked from him and he charged at the male. They begun fighting in hand to hand and it was bad that when Naruto missed and punched the air, wind blew with that punch.

Shikamaru and Sasuke successfully tied of their ninja as he sat injured and slowly bleeding out, and they walked back to the Genin with widened eyes as they seemed Naruto was serious, hardly ever would he get so worked up that he's activated so many techniques, but he didn't suffer no chakra drain, and he was actually putting a Sannin in a corner.

"That man told Naruto that he wanted to take you and Itachi, and then proceeded to tell him that the ninja you were fighting had a crush on Shikamaru and wanted to take him away." Temari said softly and Sasuke and Shikamaru looked back to Naruto.

Naruto punched Orochimaru in the gut, watching as he cough up a lot of blood, standing still he allowed his chakra to leave him.

"I believe you are worthy of seeing this, while other Uchiha's gain Susanoo when they master their Mangekyou I was gifted with another entiy, and I think it's fitting seeing as you are a snake." Naruto didn't realize that his father along with Fugaku came with Ibiki and Anko.

"Inagami-Hime." Naruto said as his chakra thrashed about on the field, a lot of people had to shield their eyes, as a beautiful woman who made up of the same blue chakra that leaked from Naruto. She had long hair and a beautiful dress. She held a beautiful sword and Naruto called out.

"Inagami-Hime, Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds." Shikamaru could see that he was wanting to flee, so he crouched down and called for his clans jutsu and trapped him in his spot, with a breeze through the field the sword fell down in one fell swoop and cut Orochimaru in half, Naruto watched as the body stopped moving, quickly calling out.

"Amaterasu." Blue flames burned calmly over Orochimaru dead body to ensure that he was really dead while Naruto calmed down and released the hold on all the powers he had.

Naruto stood there and turned to Sasuke and Shikamaru, ushering the both of them over he placed a hand to their heads, Sasuke was fine, gathering his chakra as examined him. However Shikamaru muscle seemed to be sliced on his arms.

"He was a medic?" Naruto asked healing the muscle of Shikamaru, before the boys both nodded, Naruto wrapped his arms around Shikamaru while Sasuke ruffled his hair.

"Inagami-Hime, fitting since you were battling a snake." Sasuke said and Minato and Fugaku walked over.

"Naruto are you okay?" They both said in unison, and Sasuke gave a smile and Shikamaru chuckled.

"I'm fine, thanks for checking on me. I can tell you what happen if you would like?" Minato and Fugaku nodded, Minato told the Genin the chunin exams would be placed on hold and to head to their respective inns.

Naruto sighed and looked to Shikamaru.

"I love you." Naruto said since it was over and he wanted Shikamaru to know of his feelings. Shikamaru looked down at Naruto to see him smiling, and with a look of love in his eyes, and Shikamaru kissed Naruto's forehead, and spoke just as easily.

"I love you too."


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