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I'm woken up by James kissing me gently on the top of my head. He's kissing me goodbye.
We never leave the other sleeping without a kiss goodbye. Not once have we forgot in our five years together.
I smile and give a happy sigh as I hear him lock the door behind him. It's only 7am.
I close my eyes and let myself fall asleep again.

At 10am I finally get up. After a good nights sleep, I'm feeling more like my former self; optimistic and excited for the day ahead.
Today is going to be a good day.
I dress myself quickly and head home.
My parents house is a fifteen minute drive away in a small town called Alloa. I've lived there all my life. It was just me and my parents for a while until my little sister- Louise- was born. She looks very much like me except where my eyes are green, hers are blue like our fathers. And her hair is brown like my mother's. Luckily for me, I must have inherited the ginger gene that's been lying dormant in the family for generations.

As soon as I step foot in the door, our border collie- Rex, assaults me with kisses and affection. I pet him fondly and kiss his shiny, black head.
"Who's that?" My mums voice calls from the living room.
"It's just me," I call back, as I walk the short distance from the hall.
She gets up from the couch, and tucks under the reclining seat. My mums name is Jacqueline and she's not long turned forty. She's a heavy and robust woman. Her dark brown hair curling wildly out of her messy bun. Her strong arms pulling me in for a hug and a kiss.
"Sorry you didn't get the part," she says sympathetically. We stay locked together for sometime, neither of us wanting to pull away. Eventually, I do.

My eyes wander to where my dads sitting on his chair. My dads name is Scott, and he's slightly older than my mum- forty five? Maybe forty six? I tend to forget ages once they surpass thirty. He's looking at me fondly, his blue eyes still sparkle brightly.
"Don't worry about it wee one. It just means it wasn't meant to be. God is planning bigger things for you," he says knowingly.
My family is very religious. We're all baptised, born again Christians. I used to love going to church every Sunday. I loved the music. I loved the kids club. But I haven't been to church since I was thirteen. Almost ten years. The older I get, the less I believe in religion. But I still sometimes talk to God or whoever might be listening.

"Hmmm... Of course," I say and share a mocking glance with my mum. She laughs and shakes her head at me. "But you are right about the better things. I'm home to study a new role. Rachel's got me an audition for a TV show."
My dad nods his head proudly, his dark curly hair shifting with the moment.
"What's the show?" My mum asks excitedly.
"The Tudors. I have no idea what it's about but I'm assuming it's set in fifteenth century England."
"Sounds... Posh," my mum puts thoughtfully. My mother has no care for history. She's very much alive in the here and now. Only cares for those around her and has a passion for British soaps. But she takes interest in everything I do. She really is a great mother.

"I'm going up to my room to get started," I say over my shoulder, as I make my way to the kitchen. "Does anyone want a coffee?"
"Aye please hen," my mum says.
"Awk go on then," says my dad.
I smile and go about the business of setting up the mugs for coffee.
I give them each their cups first before heading back for my own steaming cup of happiness. I love coffee. My morning wouldn't be complete without it. I ascend the stairs carefully, so not to spill any. I sigh loudly when I close my room door behind me. Nothing beats the feeling of coming home.

My room is simply decorated. The walls are purple and cream coloured; the carpet a deep grey. My double bed takes up most of the room but there's still space to move around even with a large wall length wardrobe; a set of drawers; a large vanity table and a massive bookcase which contains over one hundred books. After performing, reading is my other great love. If I couldn't make it as an actress, then I'd definitely be a journalist or a librarian.
I sit down in front of my vanity table and power up my laptop.

I spend a few minutes sifting through some old emails before I load up the one from Rachel.
I sip my coffee as I quickly read it over. A small satisfied shudder runs through my body as the hot substance slips down my throat.
I love you, coffee.
I read the email twice, making sure I haven't missed anything. From what I've read so far, my interest is definitely piqued.
As suspected, The Tudors is set during the early fifteenth century England. Focusing on the reign of King Henry VII.
The first season of the show was a success and they're looking for extras to star in season two. The role I'm auditioning for is currently unnamed, but she's a beautiful and fiery young woman who seduces The Duke of Suffolk.
I can get behind that.
It all appears straight forward enough. But there's a catch. The casting location is in London. Which is over four hundred miles away from where I am now. And it's in three days.

I smile as I read the note that Rachel's left at the bottom of the email for the third time:
"I've already booked the flights, so you can't say no. You just need to make sure you're not working and bring your A game!
You're going to love this role and I know you're going to get it. There's something special about this one- I can feel it.
London here we come!"

She said that about my last audition- and the one before that. I laugh and shake my head. She's never stopped believing in me. Even when I don't believe in myself.
I pick up my phone and call James. He picks up after the fifth ring.
"Hi babe," I say with enthusiasm, really drawing out the word 'babe.'
"What do you need?" He laughs.
"I'm going to London in three days with Rachel for that audition. She's booked a hotel for the night, so I won't be gone long. I was just wond-"
"I'll cover your shifts for the next week. You only have one so it won't be hard," he says, already answering my question before I could even ask.
"Thank you James."
"You're welcome. Now get busy learning and studying. You're going to do great."
My heart fills and threatens to implode.
"Yes boss. I love you."
"I love you too."
Then he hangs up, leaving me with a big stupid smile on my face.
I do not deserve that man.
Realisation floods hotly over me as I realise I'm going to London in three days.
What will I wear?

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