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My skin felt overly sensitive and puffy from the bath. My bones and limbs felt heavy and jointless. James had laid out one of his T-shirts and boxers on my side of the bed. I loved to sleep in his clothes.
I was dressed in them now, my hair still wet but plaited loosely to one side. He brought me wine and chicken nuggets, and let me eat them in bed.
It was an odd combination, I know- but I loved it.
My strange but tasty comfort food.

"Feel better?" He asked as he took the empty plate from me.
"Much better, thank you!" I said, in between swallows of white wine. Sauvignon Blanc. Another one of my favourites.
He smiled and kissed the top of my head. I watched his broad shoulders retreat to the kitchen to wash up. He was wearing just a pair of loose black shorts. His glorious tanned and muscled body fully on display. I watched him silently as he came back into the bedroom, a smile lighting up his face as he took in my expression. I could tell he could see the lust in my eyes. His own eyes a mirror of my own.
"Aren't you tired?" He asked, his tone was serious but his eyes were looking at me mischievously.
"Not at all," I lied. Truth be told, I was exhausted. My head felt like it was about to roll off my shoulders but I wanted a kiss.
I pulled him down to me, his body pushing me deeper into the bed. He laughed and propped himself on his elbows, taking some of his weight off me. He looked down at me for a long time, his eyes wandering over my face and throat. Then he kissed me.
It started soft and sweet, but then I felt a hunger sweep over me and suddenly I was kissing him urgently. His mouth hot and rough on mine.
We made love slowly. Each touch filling my body full of love and pleasure. We took our release together, his brown eyes boring down into mine.

Afterwards, I lay snuggled into his side, his hand skimming up and down my back soothingly. I was just about to give myself over to sleep when my phone started buzzing insistently. Groaning, I rolled out of James' arms and over to my side of the bed.
A quick glance at my iPhone lets me know the identity of my very unwanted caller.
Rachel Walshe. My overexcited, wild and passionate agent. But she's also one of my oldest and best friends. Debating whether I answer or not, I let it ring in my hand a little longer. But knowing Rachel like I do, she'll keep ringing until I answer. She can be extremely stubborn- a quality that I both love and despise.

"This better be good," I say bluntly, but I am mostly joking. I can never be mad at Rachel. Well, I can, but never for too long. Another quality I love in her.
"Oh it is!" Her high pitched voiced ringing loudly in my ear, causing me to pull my phone away and turn the volume down. Even with the phone nowhere near my face, I can still hear her excited babbling. "You are going to love me! I've got you an audition for The Tudors."
"Whats The Tudors?" I ask. If my memory serves correct, I recall touching upon the era briefly in history class.
I hear her scoff down the phone, and I can picture her big blue eyes rolling dramatically.
"Honestly Lara... Luckily for you, I keep track of new and exciting TV shows. And I'm adamant I'm going to get you a starring role."
"Good luck with that," I put a little too sarcastically.
"Still sulking about today huh? Well, enough of that! It's time to move on to bigger and better things! I've emailed you all the details. I'll call again in the morning so we can talk about this in depth."
"Can't wait," I say, but there's no real conviction behind it. I just want to go to sleep and forget all about auditions and acting.
"Night! Love you!" Rachel doesn't wait for me to say it back before she hangs up. But I say it anyway.

"Another audition already?" James asks. He's propped up on his elbow, his head resting in his hand. He's been watching me quietly the whole time.
"Of course, Rachel is a force that cannot be stopped."
He smirks at me and flops back onto the bed. I make sure I've set my phone on silent before I curl back up beside him.
My thoughts are filled with fifteenth century England as I feel myself drift off.

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