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The auditions stopped early at 3pm.
The board and Henry had been in deep discussion for at least thirty minutes. Every now and then, it looked like they were all looking at me. I tried not be self conscious as I chatted with Erica and Rachel.
"Ladies! Can you all please gather in the middle of the room," the lead director- Frank- spoke, bringing all conversations in the room abruptly to a halt. My tummy gave a nervous squeeze, and I instinctively reached for Rachel's hand. Erica took my other one without hesitation. Sweet girl.

"We've made a decision."
There was an outburst of shocked gasps and cries around the room. A decision wasn't supposed to be made until tomorrow.
"Yes, I know. It comes as a shock for us too. But it is obvious from what I, and the casting team have seen today, that we've found our Isabelle."
Isabelle huh? I still think she ought to be a Florence.
"And I think you can all agree that no one is more fitting for the role. Please, can you join me in congratulating Lara Williams."
He said my name.
I looked around the room bewildered, as the other girls clapped and congratulated me.
I got the role?
No. Fucking. Way.

A hard slap on my back jolted me back into reality. "Get your arse over there, and shake the mans hand!" Rachel hissed, giving me another hard clap. I flinched but did as instructed. I felt like I was in a dream, my legs moving heavily as I reached the table. I locked eyes with Henry briefly, he gave me a small nod, clearly impressed.
"Well done Lara! Well deserved," Frank said, shaking my hand roughly, my whole arm jerking at the motion.
"Thank you so much. All of you! I can't believe it... Are you sure you want me?"
They all laughed and shared a bemused look.
I was mildly shocked that I'd managed to keep my English accent. Will I ever be able to drop it? It's been going on too long now to possibly revert to my original.
Henry got up from the table and walked around to stand beside me. He casually put an arm over my shoulder, looking down at me smiling. My head doesn't even reach his shoulders, my eyes in line with his muscular chest. "Well done little one," he said, pulling me into him. I stumbled over my feet, and slammed into his side. It was like falling into a very warm rock, he didn't even budge. He just laughed and helped steady me. "You're going to be fun to work with," he gave me a friendly pat on the head and then let me go. He was still standing quite close to me, if I shifted my weight our arms would have touched.
Usually, I'd be annoyed at a clear violation of my personal space, but I wasn't. It left me feeling giddy and excited. I smiled up at him, having to crane my neck back to look at him.
"Thank you! I can't wait."
His expression suddenly became quite serious and I watched his eyes roam over my face. I blushed hotly and looked away. The directors startled slightly as I turned my attention back to them, and they all pretended to be looking elsewhere. This only made me blush even more furiously.

"So, when do I start?" I ask, trying to ease the sudden tension, while trying to inconspicuously fan my face.
"Well, first we'll have to discuss the contract with you and your agent. Then filming will start two weeks from now in Dublin. That'll give you enough time to learn your script. What do you say we meet tomorrow for lunch and we'll discuss details then?"
Dublin. Two weeks. Wow.
"Uh yes please. I'd love that!"
"Great! We'll email you the details tonight. My hearty congratulations once again, Lara!"
"Thank you Frank! Thank you everyone," I say, meaning every word. They all nod and congratulate me before setting about their work once again.

I'm just about to rush back to freak out with Rachel, when a large hand takes hold of mine.
I look down at his hand, startled. I notice that his skin is even paler than mine, before I look up into his striking blue eyes. He lets go of my hand, knowing he has my attention.
"Since we're going to be working together- a lot. We should probably meet up soon," he says nonchalantly, but a playful smile pulls at the corner of his mouth. "You know, to read together. Get a head start on the script. Makes filming much easier."
"Uhm, yeah... Sure."
He looks at me expectantly. I raise my eyebrows questioningly.
"Well... Can I have your number? So we can contact each other..."
"Oh... I see! I assumed you'd get it from Frank?"
"I could," he said, smiling crookedly, "but I'd rather you give it to me yourself."
My heart jumped in my chest. Was he flirting with me?
"Fine," I say casually- as if my heart wasn't about to go into cardiac arrest. He handed me his phone wordlessly, and I quickly typed in my number. God, why do I feel like I'm twelve all over again?
I handed it back to him, our fingers brushing slightly, sending tingles all the way up my arm, causing me to take a startled breath. His arm tenses slightly and he stops moving for a fraction of a second. Did he feel it too?
I risk a quick peek up at him. His expression is serious again, his face unreadable. But then he smiles, his cool polite mask slipping back into place effortlessly.
"Bye Lara. I'll see you soon." It sounds like a promise.
"Bye Henry." I have to force myself to turn away from him and walk towards Rachel.

I wanted to very much turn around and look at him but I didn't dare. Rachel was staring at me open mouthed, eyes narrowed suspiciously.
I was about to get a grilling.
"Hey," I say sheepishly.
"He's still staring at you," she whispers. I watch as she flirtatiously wiggles her fingers in his direction.
"Stop that!" I hiss under my breath. "Come on, lets go!" I have to drag her away and out of the building.
"Wow Lara. What did he say to you? Did you give him your number? Wait, did you give him my number?" The longing clear in her voice.
"What? No... He wanted my number so we could meet up to read scripts together. So I gave it to him."
"Ugh, you now have two incredibly gorgeous men at your disposal and I can't even get one! Life is so unfair."
"I don't have anyone at my disposal. And Henry is just a colleague."
"Oh please! He wants you. And I seen that look you gave him. I've known you too long to not know that look."
"Don't be ridiculous Rachel. I have a boyfriend." I'm no longer in the mood to joke with her any more.
"Yes, true. But is he Henry Cavill though?"
I shoot her a very disapproving look.
"I'm just saying... I know which one I would rather be with. You heard it from me first! Henry is going to do great, great things!"
I roll my eyes at her, and try to tune out her babbling.

My annoyance at her lasts momentarily, as always. I'm too elated to be moody.
I got the part! Finally! I got something I wanted. We were going to celebrate by having dinner and drinks in our hotel.
I felt completely weightless as we rambled about the streets of London, not paying any attention to which direction we should be going. I couldn't wait to tell my mum! My sister is going to freak. And I can't wait to tell James! My stomach knotted uncomfortably at the thought of speaking to him. I felt suddenly guilty. Should I have given my number to Henry so soon? What will he make of him?
Stop worrying! I gave myself a firm shake and threw myself back into conversation with Rachel with extra animation.
This was a time to celebrate.
And I was going to enjoy every minute of it.

"Lara?" Rachel stopped walking and took me by the shoulders.
I looked between her face and her hands, as I questioned her with my eyes.
"Will you drop that terrible accent now?"
I totally forgot!
"I suppose so," I say, finally in my own accent. It feels odd and harsh after not hearing it aloud for three days.
"Thank Christ!"

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