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glenn was getting ready to go on a run with a
       few people after he ate breakfast.

before he got in the car he hugged maggie and carl. "be safe dad." carl said as the three of them finally pulled apart. glenn nodded and gave maggie a quick peck on the lips.

maggie held carl as they watched the car drive away. maggie knew carl was afraid. every time someone he cared about went on a run somehow died. she knew glenn wouldn't let that happen though.

"honey why don't you take it easy today and spend some time with addy and 10k?" maggie suggested to her son. "alright. bye mom." carl said with a smile before walking to doc's house.

he knocked on the door and smiled when addy answered. "do you and 10k wanna go outside the walls with me and magna?" he asked softly. "yeah sure. 10k get down here!" she shouted.

soon enough they were going to get magna. then they thought about asking rosita to join. the five of them climbed over the walls and walked to the tré.

the tree had many comics and snacks. after all it was carl and magna's place. they all sat down and read some comics but were soon interrupted by a herd of walkers. magna hid by herself.

rosita and addy hid together. 10k and carl hid in a tree and shoved something to block any walkers seeing them. they didn't realise how close they were until they made eye contact.

10k started to lean in slowly. eventually carl placed his lips on 10k's. they kissed for a few seconds before pulling away. "i thought you were straight." carl said with a chuckle.

10k shrugged. "guess not." they checked outside and saw the walkers had pasted. soon all five of them were back together again. "we should head back before anything else happens." carl stated.

they were all back in alexandria and maggie ran towards carl. she hugged him tightly. doc did the same to 10k and addy. "we couldn't find you!" maggie said as she held onto the boy even tighter.

"sorry mom we went out to read comics." carl explained as he wrapped his arms around maggie. she just nodded as she placed a kiss on his head. "next time tell one of us okay?" carl nodded.

tara ran up to rosita and hugged her. "oh sweet jesus i thought you had died or something!" rosita just chuckled and hugged tara back.

carl noticed nobody had hugged magna so he told maggie. they walked over to her and hugged her tightly. soon everyone had calmed down and went back to doing jobs.


it was the next day and glenn had returned with the others. carl ran towards glenn and hugged him. "we missed you." carl said with a smile. glenn smiled back at his son. maggie hugged glenn.

they soon turned back to carl and looked at the boy. "we have some news for you.." maggie said. "maggie is pregnant." glenn explained to him. carl smiled widely and hugged both of them. "does this mean i'm gonna have like three siblings now?" carl asked.

they just chuckled and nodded. "yeah buddy. you've got judith, michonne's little one and now our one." glenn said softly. "oh jesus. i thought being the leader of alexandria was hard." he said which caused maggie and glenn to laugh.

soon the three of them walked home as other people sorted out the stuff they found on the run. "you know i heard about this place called hilltop. negan said he knows the leader or something. i was thinking we could visit them and do a few trades." carl suggested to his parents.

they nodded in agreement. "we could head out tomorrow with a few others." maggie suggests. glenn and carl nod. "i'll hold a meeting and see who's coming with us." he says before walking out.

michonne, tara, tobin, rosita, carl, ron, negan, carol, heath, daryl, dwight, doc, addy, arron, magna and 10k sit around the table. "what's going on boss?" dwight asked.

"tomorrow we're going to hilltop and i want to know who's coming and who's not." he states as he plays with his knife. rosita spoke up first. "obviously i'm going with you."

magna, daryl, negan, michonne, addy, doc, 10k and arron agree to go. "alright i want dwight in charge along with carol. ron will look after judith and heath will be on watch." carl explains to his group. they all nod in agreement.

idk carl grimes x a boy at some point :•)Where stories live. Discover now