𝙋𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚 - 𝘿𝙖𝙮 1

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《If you cannot listen fully to the song without it being cut, try using Wattpad on your search engine.》

[A/N 28/12/2021: I took this down cause it was so embarrassing lol but i brought it back with some fixed mistakes

"Don't be so cocky! It's not as if you're going to die if you play just one game with us." Endorsi crossed her arms, disapprovingly.

For the last fifteen minutes, she and Wangnan had been attempting to persuade Khun to play a certain new game with them.

How she approved of it remained a mystery to Khun since she never was the type to play these foolish games with the boys.

Wangnan had explained that it would be good to play something together since they could dismiss the anxiety of the next test and ease their minds.

And so, most of them consented to play except for one rebel; Khun.

No matter how hard they struggled or who they brought to try, he was unwilling to cooperate with any of them.

But that would never halt them from trying.

The only other person remaining was Bam, but persuading him to play with them was as simple as sipping water.

Khun rolled his eyes, "I don't know about you, but we should be training instead of playing these childish games. Do you even want to pass the next test?"

"Oh, come on, Khun! It's gonna be really fun to see who chickens out first, right?" Wangnan proposed.

A person with a reasoning brain would realize that most of the guys playing just wanted to smooch Endorsi or tease Khun.

The only explanation to why Endorsi was also engaging in their silly games was likely because she made another bet with Anaak, which was a quite common occurrence.

"I told you, I wouldn't-"

"Hey, Bam!" Wangnan swung an arm around his shoulder as Bam exited the room in front of them.

With an uncertain voice, he asked, "What is it, Mr. Wangnan?"

"Would you do me a favor and play Pocky with us? It's an extremely fun game."

"Pocky?", he asked once again with a confused look. Of course, someone like Bam wouldn't have known what such things were anyway. They were all new to him.

To be truthful, Khun also had no understanding of what it was. Perhaps another game for children or Wangnan made it up.

Whatever it was, the game did not sound promising at all.

"Yeah, Pocky! Wanna play? I'll explain it to you if you join!"

Bam seemed to hesitate for a moment as if he was also worrying that they should be training instead of playing games.

But being the founder of the group who spoiled his kids a little too much, he eventually agreed to play for a few rounds.

After those rounds, he'd go and train with them a little more to make sure they're all fit and ready.

The only person still refusing was Khun, but as he saw that Bam was asking him to play with those puppy eyes, he gave in too.

Damn it, he thought to himself. Why was it so hard to refuse?

But now was too late to return anyway, so he'd just have to do it this once. After that, he could force them to train even harder.

Hopefully, that would teach them a good lesson they would not even dare to forget.

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