𝙎𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 - 𝘿𝙖𝙮 4

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《If you cannot listen fully to the song without it being cut, try using Wattpad on your search engine.》

Khun put down the cup of tea on the night table, sighing in relief.

After he attempted to bring Bam back into his room, he went right to make some tea.

He was not experienced when it came to comforting people, so instead, he went out of his way to try natural methods.

Even if they weren't much, they always helped a little.

"Can I ask you something?" He looked at the golden eyes.

Bam's figure still looked stiff and shaky, as if he were freezing from the coldness of his dreams.

"Y-yeah, sure."

Khun took a deep breath before continuing, "What did you dream?"

The moment he said it, he already knew it was going to be an uncomfortable question for Bam.

But if he did not open up, the matter would become worse. A nightmare was just a dream, but sometimes they display our deepest feelings and worries.

All the things you think about at day, all the worries, all the thoughts will come back to haunt you in your sleep.

Maybe if they did talk it out, Khun could smoothly convince him that there was no need to worry.

"I'm not sure", he answered bluntly.

"Hey, you know you can tell me anything, right?", he rested a hand on the other male's shoulder, "I'm not going to force you, the choice is yours."

For a few seconds, Bam remained silent as his eyes moved back and forth. He was lost in his mind, recalling the events that happened.

But the more he focused on his bare hands, the more visible was the fresh blood on his palms.

The scarlet red fluid continued to drip off his fingers, the stains stayed etched into his mind - an eternal reminder of the act he had committed.

A sliver of moonlight spilled into the room, shining on the blood streaks that were almost black, only reddish when the light shone right on them.

"Bam, look at me." He held a hand under his chin, lightly lifting his head.

"I just-"

"Tell me what happened.", the blue-eyed male insisted.

Sighing, he began, "I was back with FUG and- and there was blood everywhere. I don't know who's it was. After that, they brought me to Hansung and they brought you out and-"

Bam took a deep breath, "Khun, I killed you."

The moment those words left his mouth, his eyes widened. He did not intend on saying the major part of the dream.

Khun looked as if he were at a loss of words, staring at Bam with a shocked expression before it changed into a softer one.

"So I guessed right, huh? You're really scared that I'd die?"

Bam wanted to answer and talk to him about his feelings, but his lips wouldn't move.

He had expected a colder reaction from him, one yelling at him or arguing with him.

He didn't expect him to accept it so easily and brush the matter off.

"Bam, you know what matters the most right now?"


He grabbed Bam's hand before placing it in his, holding on tightly as if they were going to fall apart if he let go.

"I'm alive and right next to you. Bam, look at me. I'm fine."

His mouth began to twitch, making Khun pretty sure that he was trying to hold back a smile.

Slowly, a faint smile had been plastered on his face.

For the next few seconds, the two males began to stare at each other without exchanging a word.

Khun had pale skin, as smooth as a newborn's without any sight of a scar. They aligned perfectly with his blue eyes, the color of the deepest pits of the ocean.

It was simply put...

Just as he was about to suggest something, Khun grabbed his arm, pulling him closer to his face.

At this point, they were so close that Bam could feel Khun's warm breath on his face.

Smiling, he cupped Bam's cheeks. Both of them knew what was happening, a shy look on their faces came closer.

Closer, closer, and closer until there was no space left between them.

It was a soft and slow kiss, both parties refusing to be the first one to pull away.

But if they continued it this way, they would eventually run out of breath. Besides, they could just kiss again, couldn't they?

Slowly, they broke apart again before resting their foreheads against each other.

"Hey", Bam breathed out. "Promise you'll never leave my side."

Khun frowned jokingly, "Do I have another choice?"

Before he could reply, Bam had been pulled along to sink into the warm mattress.

"This time, I'm going to be the big spoon."

"Big spoon?"

"I overheard it from the girls."

Bam followed the flow and just rested his head on Khun's chest, sinking into the warm embrace.

The first one to yawn was Khun, who was already half asleep due to tiredness.

He had woken up at around 2 AM and stayed up for an hour just comforting Bam after all.

Khun began to softly stroke and pet Bam's hair, running a hand through his hair now and then.

In the darkness, their cuddles felt warm, comforting, cozy- it made Bam feel safe from all dangers when he was being embraced by him.

He snuggled into Khun's chest before finally letting go, his mind dragging him into another chaotic dream.

But this time, he was reassured that Khun was next to him. He was okay.

word count: 874

this was part 2 of the nightmare one ^-^ sorry if it's a bit rushed and messy, i realized that i was gonna be late if i didnt hurry up
i promise the next one will be longer and more thrilling tho! Day 4 is done-

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