𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙤𝙚 - 𝘿𝙖𝙮 9 (extra)

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《If you cannot listen fully to the song without it being cut, try using Wattpad on your search engine.》

"Did you bring us gifts, Santa Claus?" The freckled girl asked excitedly, hitting the person beside her repeatedly.

The "Santa" chuckled while replying, "Ho ho ho, of course! Every kid in the whole world gets a present! Except for the naughty, naughty ones!"

What was he doing here?

Instead of spending time doing something meaningful, he had been caught by these idiots.

And it was purely against his will; Khun had so much better things to do.

Why did he agree to come here, then? Of course, he insisted on not watching stupid Christmas movies made for children.

But miraculously, Wangnan had Bam asking him to join their binge-watching.

And how could he possibly say no when he was asking?

"Oh no! Was I a naughty kid, Santa?" The little girl threw her hands into the air, gasping.

Such great acting skills, he frowned to himself.

Staying here any longer was going to make him go crazy sooner or later.

Looking at Wangnan, he could tell that he was becoming a little emotional.

There was that one story he had told them about how much he loved this movie ever since he was a small child, but Khun eventually forgot it.

Santa petted her head, "No, my dear Alex, you were one of the nicest kids of the year."

"Yay!" All the kids said in unison.

"Remind me why are we watching a kids' movie again?" Khun asked.

Groaning, he leaned his head against Bam's shoulders.

If he was going to be stuck here, he'd at least have to make something out of it.

"It's Christmas!" Wangnan reminded them, "And this one was one of my favorites as a child."

There it was again; his classic excuse.

Had they watched this last year too?

Probably yes, but Khun did not want to make himself suffer more than needed.

"Your level of intelligence was just as low as it is now." He whispered.

Wangnan, "Rude!"

Most of the people who had gathered were doing other things by now or fell asleep.

In other words, he wasn't the only one suffering. Was that something good or bad?

"It's not your first time watching it, right?" Bam tried to lighten the tension between them.

Wangnan grinned, "No, I've watched this every Christmas since I was three."

Khun, "Why do you watch it so often, then? Shouldn't you have already memorized everything?"

"Well- I kind of forget all about it until it's Christmas again." He brushed the back of his head.


"Here comes the best part!"

That meant the movie was almost done. At least 20 minutes should be remaining until he could walk off and never come back.

Not until Wangnan swore to never show this excuse of a movie again.

"Santa, who was the most naughty kid of the year, then?"

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