𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥 𝘼𝙙𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 - 𝘿𝙖𝙮 12 (extra)

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Amongst the snowy storm, there was a little snowflake, barely visible in the winter air. It flew around in circles before finally resting softly on the carpet, only to disappear the moment it touched it.

In an instant, it melted into a pool of water until there was nothing left of it anymore.

It was melted into the water by the soles of the shoes of a man who seemed to be in a hurry. There was a small smile on his face, and a soft humming made its way into the atmosphere around.

The quick steps that seemed to get faster were walking away from one particular bookshop.

It wasn't a particularly large one, but one that left a good memory, one that smelled of ink, paper, and hot chocolate; it was Bam's definition of home.

Cling! Cling! Cling!

"I'd like th-this one, p-please." The girl requested shyly, holding a book she had chosen.

Her face was slightly red, clearly shivering from the cold outside. It was snowing, after all.

Once in a while, she would rest her gaze on him, and when she saw Bam noticing, her face would turn into an even deeper shade of red.

Kim Yuri, huh.. I'll have to remember that name, since she seems to have become a regular, too.

"Oh, "Threat of Silence" is a nice mystery book. I didn't know you'd like it." Bam smiled softly back at her, taking the book from Yuri's firm grip.

Unfortunately, his choice of words seemed to make her even more embarrassed than before.

"Well ye-yeah.." she stuttered out, smiling slightly, "I guess a lot of people think tha- like that."

She is quite humble... maybe sometimes later I can recommend her more mystery books, I'm sure she'll like them.

"Alright", he had already put the book in a small red package with a petite and simple white ribbon on it. It matched the festive holiday.

In a swift movement, he turned around again, giving her the ready package. The smaller girl mumbled a bunch of quick "thank you"s before walking towards the exit, hugging the book closer.

"Have a nice day!"

At last, another regular visitor had left, content with the book she had bought, visible by her nervous but happy posture.

What would she do with the book? Bam found himself asking.

Ever since she started visiting, the girl would choose a few books and sit down near the corner, and every once in a while, he'd go up to her and bring some hot chocolate.

There was no better feeling in the world than when someone gave you a thankful smile, especially when you could satisfy your customers.

But this time, she simply blushed and walked out with hopeful eyes, and he couldn't help but think she would give it to a loved one as a gift.

Perhaps this year he would have enough time to gather with everyone else too- that is if there wouldn't be many customers at this time of the year.


The door was swung open, bringing a cold breeze that made the brunet's skin tremble with it, and a pair of cobalt blue eyes lay on him.

"Good morning, Khun. Same as usual?" He asked, lifting his head to get a better view of the other male.

His soft blue hair had been pushed up into a petite but cute ponytail, and his cheeks were flushed in a light red color, and-

Ah! Now's not the time to notice such things!

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