Chapter .2

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Y/N's POV..

I wake up and see the person that came caught me before I fainted smirking at me. "Finally your awake" he leans closer to me and I hit my head on this nose. He falls back and groans in pain. I chuckle at him and he wipes off the blood on his nose and he grabs my hair and pulls it back, I hiss in pain and and he cuts a chunk of out of my head.

"What do you want from me?" I scream as my tears start building up in my eyes. "I need you to answer questions truthfully" he smirks.

"About??" I shiver as I could feel his breath on my neck. "About your brothers?" He whispers. I let out a chuckle...

"I run away from those guys , so I know nothing about them..." I let out giggles.He punches me " Where are your brothers?" He smirks, I bite my lip and remembered that I actually don't even know where they were. " I-I don't know" i stutter, "Wrong!" He smirks, I earn a punches from him, he stopped and I could taste my blood on my lip.

I cry cause of the pain on my face. "Already crying" he unties and and drops me on the floor. I try to get up but a sharp pain from my rib knocks me down, "WHERE ARE YOUR BROTHERS?" He shouts at me, "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW" I scream and try to runaway but he kicks me on my stomach he continues to kick me but he stopped. "I will ask you the last time and I expect and answer, Where are your brothers" kneels in front of me.

I gathered the blood in my mouth and spat on his face. "And I said I DONT FUCKING KNOW!" I yell at him, he stood and took a cloth to wipe his face, he takes a bat from the corner of the room and hits my injured rib, I get knock down ant he hits my back.

I immediately crawled up and ignored the stinging pain in my body and kicked him. I got up and opened the door, I didn't know where the exit was so I just kept running, I heard the guys footsteps behind me but I didn't stop cause I needed to leave this place, I turned back to see if he was behind but he wasn't. I continue running but I see the man holding a bat and I stop, I was about to turn but he smashed the bat on my head, I felt really dizzy and everything went black..

I wake up to a stinging pain in my head and I noticed that I was in the same room that I was in before, I was tied to the same chair as before. "Glad to see that my princess is awake" he says while bursting the door open, "I'm not gonna tell you guys anything so there's no point in torturing me" I hiss.

"You call that torturing, then I don't think you can  handle anything I have prepared right now" he chuckles as he shows me a briefcase that has surgery items, "Baby the game has just began" he takes a a knife while leaning closer to me. "Now, tell me where they are or else I will skin you alive" he says while pointing it at me.

"No, you can do whatever you like but I don't know" I spat, "Ok" he takes the knife and slits why upper arm, I bit down on my lip to stop me from crying and screaming, but my tears spill anyways. "Ready to change your mind?" He smirks and I shake my head implying a no. He stabs my thigh and I scream in pain.

I heard footsteps coming in the room after my scream. He leans closer as he tries to cut my cheek but I slam my head on his nose and he falls back. I scream louder hoping someone from the outside would hear.

"JIMIN!" People scream as the get in the room and I continue crying knowing that they were his partners. "We leave you with her for a day and you hurt her" One of them scolds, I realized one of them is the one that kidnapped me. One of them untied me and I try to stand up but I couldn't cause of the pain. He carries me bridal style and we walk out of the room, I reached to a room and he put me down on the bed.

"Look, I'm sorry he wasn't supposed to do that" he sends an apologetic pout. I let out a chuckle, "Its ok, it's not like I'm injured anyways" I say sarcastically.
"Let me treat you, I'm coming I'm going to get the kit" he walks out, I felt my eyes dropping so I decided to sleep.

"Y/N!" I heard someone shout while shaking me. "I'm awake" I jolt up and lean back, "Oh, sorry I thought you were dead" he said while putting rubbing alcohol on the cotton piece. "This is gonna hurt to hold it okay.." he sends me a sad smile. He keeps the alcohol on my wound and I hiss out in pain.

"Oh this is deep, let me use anesthesia" he leans in to open one of the drawers,
"Y/N we're gonna have to stitch you wounds ok" he says, I nod and he injects something in me, I don't know why but I trust him.

So it's me the author, did you like the chapter comment on your favorite part and try to figure out who she trusts so much. Hope you liked it.
-xoxo author

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