Chapter .3

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I woke up and found my wounds dressed, I get up from the bed to the mirror.
I looked at myself and saw my lip busted and my left cheek purple and they did not look pretty. I walk towards the door to call someone cause I was thirsty but I walked down the stairs to find none so I walk to the kitchen and get my self some water, I limp back to my room.

"What are you doing here?" He walks to me and I try to limp away but he harshly grabbed my wrists and I wince in pain.

"Non of your business" I hissed and he pushes me but I quickly caught my balance. "What's your problem with me, huh the others are so nice to me but you" I yelled but by the others I meant the guy that treated my wound.

"Because your stupid brothers killed my girlfriend" he held in the tears and I quickly noticed but I ignored them. "Do I look like my brothers to you? Huh stop being a baby and just get over it, she's dead, DEAL WITH IT" I emphasized the last words.

I limp to the stairs and I made it to the top as I was about to limp my way back to the room, Jimin pulled me backwards and I rolled down the stairs. Just when I was about to close my eyes I heard the door open, "JIMIN!" I heard people shout his name. Then everything went blank

"Oh, your awake" I woke up and found six men in the room except Jimin. "I'm Hoseok" the guys who helped me said. "I'm Namjoon" the other one said. "That's Taehyung, Jungkook, Yoongi and Jin" Hoseok points at them.

"Hello" I tried to get up, "Hi" they smiled at me. "Why are they so nice to me and Jimin is such a bitch, UGh I hate this place so much" I thought to myself.

"Get some sleep, see you tommorow" they said before leaving, I turn to sleep but I couldn't.

It's been hours since I have been tossing and turning. Why would my brothers kill his girlfriend though, maybe they were enemies. Do my brothers even know I'm here, I think they do, those bastards hate me. I turn and look at the time and it's 2 am.

I get up from the bed and limp to the balcony. Luckily there were chairs, so it was easier for me to enjoy the breeze. I noticed that Jimin came and sat right next to me.

"Hey" he waves at me, "Hi" give him a sad smile. "Look I'm sorry about everything" he apologizes and I nod. "Why do u look so depressed?" I asked him.

"I just miss my girlfriend" he sheds tears hill looking down, I fell so bad for him. "What was her name?" I asked him, "So yeon" he sobs while talking to me. "Do u sometimes wish you could die?", "Yap, but all the time" I answer while trying to hold my tears.

"Why?" He turns to me and I let out tears, " Because of me , I lost the people I love the most" I sob and he lends me his shoulder to cry on, He's not as bad as I thought he would be.

"What happened", "I ignored one request they gave me and I lost four people all in the same day" I sob on his shoulder, I closed my eyes.

I woke up and I was back in my room, I get up and see clothes on the couch and I go for a shower and wore a black shirt with white men shorts the gave me. I limp downstairs and the greet me and went and sat between Hoseok and Yoongi.

"I have already informed Taemin and Taeyong that's Y/N has been kidnapped" Jimin tells everyone and continues eating his food.

"Do you think they will come rescue?, those bastards hate me so why would they?" I hold back my tears while telling them. "Why?, there your brothers"he asks curiously.

"They blame me for our parents death" I hold back my tears remembering that night. "How?" Hoseok gives me a sympathetic look. "Because...."


"Don't let anyone in, okay" Mom tells me and my brothers while she gave us kisses and hugs and they left.

"Hey N/N, Me and Taemin are leaving for a party, wanna come?" Teayong tells me and I shake my head implying a NO. "Ok be safe, don't open the door for anyone got it" he says while closing the door.

"N/N, bye see ya later gotta go" Taemin places a kiss on my forehead and leaves.

               *knock, knock*

I open the door but it was too late when I realized I wasn't supposed to. The guy pushes past me and grabs my wrists and holds up a knife on my throat.

"W-what a-are d-do y-you want?" I stutter, he pulled a chair out and and pushed me to sit on it and tied me onto the chair. I felt like hours had past soon , one minute my Mom and Dad were crying and saying they love me and my brothers, the next they were a bloody mess on the floor.

Soon Taemin and Taeyong came back and saw me tied to a chair crying and they untied me. I pointed towards the kitchen and Taemin went to check behind the counter and he froze on the spot.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Taeyong shouted at me. "I'm so sorry, it was an accident, someone was knocking and I accidentally opened the door, I swear it was an accident I never meant for this to happen" I hugged Taeyong

He pulled back and slapped me, I had never seen that side of Taeyong before his eyes were screaming fire openly no other emotion. "Get out of my sight before I kill you myself" he shouted. "T-Taeyong but I-It wasn't my f-fault" I struggle to say through my sobs, "I SAID GET OUT" he shouts. "Taeyong it isn't my fault" I tug on his shirt and he pushes me to the ground.

grabs my hair and I stare at Taemin still frozen on the ground, "Taeyong your hurting me" I wince in pain but he still doesn't let go of the grip he has on my hair.

"TAEMIN!!" I try to make him snap out of it, "NEVER COMEBACK HERE, UNDERSTOOD" Taeyong pushes me to the ground and locks the door.

I know this chapter was kinda long but tune in to know what's gonna happen!. Hope you liked the chapter, don't be a silent reader and comment.
-xoxo Author

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