Chapter .11

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"T-taeyong" I managed to say without falling to my knees, I'm hella scared right now, he's gonna kill me like he said he would I can't believe it's my last day on earth. He starts walking closer to me and I'm to scared to even move backwards so I stay put. He finally reaches me and hugs me.

"Where were you?" He hugs me and I stand there to shocked to even hug back, I mean it's not like I don't miss him it's just that he threw me out and there he sis asking me where was I. I hug back and start sobbing on his chest while he ran his hand through my hair.

"I missed you so much, I-I thought y-you were gonna k-kill me" I say through my sobs. "You idiot, didn't you know that I was just angry" he chuckles. "It's been four years and your still the same, thought you would have a manlier face or body, seems I was wrong you still look like a boy"I wipe my tears and laugh.

"Where's Taemin?" I asked while sitting on the chair, "He coming back tonight from a business trip" he sits down and keeps his leg on his other. "How's life by the way" he looks at me and chuckles.

"Shitty as usual for me" I look down at my hands and bit my lip to stop the tears. "What's wrong?" He worries while grabbing my hand and playing with it.
"Park Jimin, rings a bell" I chuckle at he's worried face it always made him look like a baby, "What did that bitch do?" His anger starts to build up as I could see it in his eyes.

"Well long story short, 2 months ago Jimin kidnapped me to get revenge from you, but we fell in love sorry  i mean I fell in love and we got married, about a week ago I found him in his office with a-another w-woman" I started crying and he pulls me into a hug. "Then I confronted him but he ended up s-slapping me instead of realizing his m-mistake, I ran way then Jaebum found me and we lived together but later on Jimin found me and he took Jaebum with us and that's when you came along" I could see the pity in his eyes when I told him the story, I pulled away and wiped my tears.

"So enough about me, how's your life" i cleared my throat waiting for his response, "It's not that bad as soon the incident, me and Taemin promised to find the killers and we made a group and we found them but we realized that we liked the control we have over everyone so we continued the business" he told me and something in me clicked. Shit.

"Where's Jaebum" I suddenly panicked and stood up, "oh, shit I forgot about him" he walk over to his desk and grabs the landline and he tells his mean to bring Jaebum to his office. Minutes later the door flew open and I see Jaebum bruised and injured, I dashed towards him and hugged him and he does the same.

"Jaebum, I heard the story of you helping my sister and your of the hook but that doesn't mean you do it again" he brushes his suite and leaves the room when he got a call. " Jaebum are you okay?" I pull away and make him sit down . "Stop worrying, I'm fine" he puts on a pout, he grabs my hands intertwines his hand in mine. My stomach flips and I fell myself blushing and I look away making sure he doesn't see the blush.

Shit, Do I perhaps like him. No I shake my head repeatedly, no I can't like him right????

So, I hope you like the chapter and I'm thinking of adding music you should listen to for better experience. Comment if you would like that.
-xoxo Author

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