Chapter .15

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2 years later....

"Hey Y/N" He walked in the apartment, I lifted up my hands and he immediately understood. I was almost done with my work. "Y/N wanna go get coffee" he screams through the hallway. "I will take that as a yes" he slams the door and I'm left their smiling to myself.

2 years ago.....

I hear the wheels screeching I immediately freeze not able to move. I felt myself flying to the ground and soon replaced with a wild sting near my left abdomen. I felt like screaming but I couldn't the only thing that came out was the aching of my throat.

I soon realized the guy run away and left me their bleeding. I was about to drift off but a guy came screaming in towards me. He called the ambulance and later kept on asking my question which I couldn't answer and soon enough my eyes closed shut.

~End of flashback~

"Y/N" I hear him shouting my name and I flinch. "What happened?" He bends down to my level and I grab my notepad and shove it in my bag and signaling him to go to the cafe.

We sat down and ordered our usual , I usually order a pink hot lemon tea to help me since I had a voice box transplant (A/N:I don't know if that exist but in this story it does). The doctors said that I will be able to speak again I just need to give it sometime.

On the glass window of the cafe I spot a familiar man turning his back at me. No it can't be right?, he turned to me and smirked. Shit, I signaled to Felix.
"L-E-T-S L-E-A-V-E" I signaled to him.

"But we just started drinking our drinks" he pout and I start to panic. His face turn worriedly as he looked at me. "What's wrong?" He hold my hand and I write I down in my notepad. His eyes widened and he immediately nodded and told me stay here as he went to pay for the drinks. I watched Jimin carefully and basically observed him.

Felix comeback and held my hand and we rushed outside the cafe, we started walking away from him not making obvious that we saw him. He started running towards us and before I could run faster. He grabs fistful of my hair and yanks it hard making me stumble back as he let go of my hair.

Felix turned and his eyes widened and charged towards he throws a punch but Jimin pushes him to the ground and punches him uncontrollably, I get up and kick Jimin in his stomach is falls back and I help Felix up so we could run but before we had the chance I saw the whole gang in front of us.

"Welcome back Y/N"

Yes I know I haven't wrote in days but I will be publishing more chapters, I couldn't cause I had exams and it was occupying me, anyways I hope you like the chapter don't forget to vote if you like it
-xoxo Author.

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