Chapter .12

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My feelings about liking Jaebum, aren't yet confirmed but like how??, I love Jimin right??

Ugh!, Why does life have to be so hard on me but atleast I'm gonna be happy again, with just me, Taemin, Taeyong, Jaebum and The rest of GOT7

"And where do you think your going missy?" Taeyong walks towards me while smiling, "Taemin's gonna be here in like five minutes, don't you want to suprise him" he continues while walking me to the front door. "I am gonna suprise him but just wait" before I could go and open the door it busted open.

"Y-Y/N" Taemin dishes towards me and hugs me and I do the same, after sometime I feel liquid dropping on my head and I realized that he was sobbing and that just made me hug him even tighter.

"Y-Y/N you don't know h-how much *sniff* I regret that *sniff* day" he manages to say while hugging me and I also turn into an emotional mess. We stood there embracing ourselves like there was no tomorrow and I chuckled seeing Taeyong standing there so awkward and I also pulled him and we embraced each other together, like a family.

*timeskip two days later*

"GUYS IM GOING TO THE STORE TO BUY SOMETHING" I yell through the hallways while grabbing my keys. "OKAY, BE BACK BEFORE THIRTY MINUTES" Taeyong yells while I slam the door. I enter the car and drive to the store, I grabbed everything I needed, paid and left the store.

"I missed you baby" I freeze by the sudden words knowing that it was Jimin I immediately run away but before I could he grabbed my hand. "Jimin please let me go I'm begging you" I whisper so none could hear. "I like the way you think but I'm gonna have to decline your request" he pulls me into his car while I started tearing up.

"JIMIN LET ME GO" I try to get out of his grip but he doesn't even flinch. He pushed me into his car and started driving. "Jimin please let me go, why are you doing this you don't even love me" I say while trying wiping my tears. "Y/N believe me I love you" he turned to me and tried to caress my cheeks but I smacked his hand away, "Then why did you c-cheat on m-me" I start sobbing, "I don't know, I couldn't control myself and you weren't there I know I sound stupid but I'm really sorry" he starts to tear up as well, the car went dead silent as he parked the car and I try to run away but he caught me.

"JIMIN, PLEASE LEAVE ME I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE" I yell but he didn't even turn and he continued pulling me in the house. We reach ou-his room and he pushed onto the bed. "JIMIN, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS I BEG OF YOU" I scream and he pinned my arms on top of my head.

Hehe, what is Jimin doing??, Anyways I hoped you liked the chapter and I know it was short but I like writing this so.....
-xoxo Author.

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