Chapter .13

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ this part contains rape and sexual activities if your not interested then scroll and continue reading the rest...

🔞 and above things.........

"JIMIN, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS" I yell while he tied my hands with a rope and ripped of my clothes leaving me naked and he came in for a kiss but I turned away so he left a trail of sloppy kisses on my neck. Before I knew it he inserted his two fingers into me and kept on thrusting in me. "J-Jimin please l-leave m-me a-alone pl-please" I kept on begging but he never stopped.

He planted kisses on my nipples and all I did was cry, because I was traumatized to do anything. He kissed me and I bit his lip for him to stop, "You think that can stop me from doing want I want baby" he whispered in my ear and I felt a sharp sting on my right cheek.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!"I yell and managed to get his attention, "because after I'm done with you, you won't be able to leave me" he whispers I'm my ear and I took the and collided my head with his head, he fell of the bed I tried to get up but realized he tied my to the bed.

"YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE SMART YOU BITCH" He punched me, he thrusted into me and before I could adjust to his length he kept on thrusting in faster.

He thrusted inside me and all I felt was pain. Before it was full of pleasure and it was gentle and passionate but this time it's full of pain, lust and rough. I gripped the sheets and bit the lips to scream at the pain I was feeling. A couple minutes passed and I felt him twitching inside me. "J-Jimin please don't do t-this" I beg but he smirks and I felt the liquid in me.

Shit this was his plan, he wants to get me pregnant this asshole. He thinks I can't raise i child by myself.

He pulls me by my waist and pulls a blanket to cover us and drifted off to sleep. I kept on sobbing and trying to escape but I couldn't my eyes turned so puffy I didn't realize that I also slept.

Next Morning

I woke up and saw Jimin still sleeping beside me and I slowly get out of the bed and go into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were red and puffy and my right cheek was purple from yesterday Jimin punching me.

I got dressed and did everything and sat on the couch hoping Jimin died in his sleep. I heard a knock and went and opened the door.

"Jin *sniff* hey" He entered the room and placed the food on the coffee table, came back and pulled me to sit opposite of him.

"Hey...what know ...what eat first" he grabbed the fork and handed it to me but I declined it. "Jin.....I'm not fine *sniff* please help me" I start to tear up and pulls me into a hug, "hey..don't cry it's ok... he's not doing anything bad to you right?" He asked and I started crying cause I remembered what he did yesterday night, "Jin...nothing's right h-he *sniff* h-he forced himself onto m-me" I managed to say through sobs.

"I know it's not ok....but he just wants to be with you" he tries to reason why he did that and I pull away to give him that 'what the fuck' look and he just chuckled and so did I.

Hope you guys like the smut because it's my first time writing one so if it's shitty then sucks to be me right?. Anyways hope you liked the chapter.
-xoxo Author.

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