Chapter .8

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I woke up and my head hurts and I felt like shit, I wish I could take a shower, but wait I look around this place and I'm in an unfamiliar room. Where the heck am I, I get up and reach for the door. I get out of the room and it was a mansion not as big as Jimin's but it was big. I heard laughs downstairs so I followed the voices.

I go down the stairs and kneel enough to see their faces, I was shocked and scared, I quickly get back to the room I was in and sat on the bed. I'm in GOT7's house, me and the boys stole something from them once "shit" I curse out. What if they recognized me and kidnapped me, I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Jaebum enter the room.

"Hey, your up early" he walks towards me and I wait to hear his purpose of kidnapped me. "Um..did you perhaps kidnap me" I say while facing the floor, he let out a chuckle, "don't you remember what happend yesterday night" he grabs my shoulder and I face him. I remembered him comforting me and me fainting. "Oh, yeh sorry" I say while standing up. "Well, I gotta go" I grab my backpack which was on the chair right beside me.

"No, not yet you haven't had breakfast yet,let's go get you tummy filled" he grabs my bag and I let out a chuckle at his cuteness. We head downstairs and I saw the group members their at the table and I sit beside Jaebum and Jinyoung.

"Hey, I'm Jinyoung" he waves at me, "I'm Minseo" I smile back not wanting to share my name or else they will know who I really am. They all all greeted me and introduced them selves to me and I smile back and continue eating my food.

"Minseo, why were you crying when I found you" he asks looking worried, I let out a faint smile, "N-Nothing,'s nothing ok" I stutter and try to find what to tell them. "Then if it's nothing then tell us" he pouts and I couldn't say no to him.

"It's just"I try to find what to tell them hoping someone would break it. "My hus-boyfriend..cheated on me and abused me after I confronted him" I quarter lie and tears start to build up remembering what happend yesterday, Jinyoung hugged me and I hugged back cause i didn't want to be rude.

"Then why are you walking around with a bag full of clothes?" Jackson asks and everyone turns to me. "Umm...I cant go back to my house" I tell Jackson, "Why?" Mark asks me, "because yesterday I was running away and went back to my house hoping I would be safe....but he managed to find me but I snack away and that's when I bumped into you" I explain to him while holding tears back from crying again.

"What's his name?" Jaebum's expression turns serious, if looks could kill then I think he would have killed someone. "Uh..I don't think  you know him" I try to convince him but he looks as if he doesn't care. "I'm going to research him" he says while grabbing his computer, "I think I should go" I stand up but Jinyoung pulls me back to my seat and give me pleading look.

"Uh..guys I need to leave because my boyfriend is vey dangerous and he could kill you guys, so I'll leave before that happens" I try to convince them to let me leave but they all gave me I don't give a fuck look .

"Fine he's name is ......Park Jimin"I pause before say his name, they all looks at me and pause before doing anything. "Ok, see even you guys are shocked, now can I leave I don't want you guys to get hurt because of me" I try to cover my self cause I was embarrassed.

"But, doesn't he have a wife" Jackson turns to the others and they nod. "He even has a wife, I was the side chick all this time and maybe the person I saw him with was his wife" I act dumb and fake my tears.

"Yo know what, you can live here..I don't care who he is and as long as I live no harm will come your way" he smiles and everyone laughs at his chessy line.

"Guys I have something to say" I stare at my leggings and they all turn to me smiling. "My name is not Minseo" I suddenly felt comfortable saying my real name. "My name is actually Y/N" I hoping they would figure it out without me telling them.

"Wait, isn't Jimin's wife's name Y/N" Bambam bites his lip nervously and so do the others. "Yes, I'm Jimin's wife" I say confirming their suspicion. "No wonder you looked familiar but that  doesn't change a thing" Jaebum turns to me and everyone nods.

The whole time we were talking and laughing and they told me and I acted surprised when they told me they were GOT7 and I felt really comfortable with them in no time.

In my opinion this chapter wasn't that long but was long right??. Anyways hope you like the chapter and don't be a silent reader and just comment.
-xoxo Author.

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