Chapter .14

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"Jimin, you are a very disgusting man and I love to break it to you that I'm never going to be pregnant because im on pills" I smirk while look at Jimin's priceless face. "Baby, please listen to me I only did that because you were gonna leave me" he pleads and attempts to his my hand but I push it away.

"Jimin, don't even come close to me, if you wanted to stay with me then why did you have to cheat?" Tears start to dwell up in my eyes.

"I don't know" he sheds uncontrollably tears. "We would have been happy together just why" I attempt to leave but stops me making me turn my heels.

"Baby just come back to me" he hugs me but I don't embrace him back, I could feel his tears on my neck.

"I'm never gonna be yours again not after what you've done" I push him and go out side the room. I go to the guest room and lock the door. I start crying when I remember that day. I heard banging on the other side of the door and Jimin commanding me to open the door. To be honest I was scared so I opened the door for him.

"Baby, now I'm not asking I'm telling you" he calmed his voice and I could feel him smirking. "N-No" I let out a shaky breathe.

"I have always never liked that little voice of yours, how about we do something about it" my eyes widened at his statement and realized what he meant. I push him off me attempting to escape but he grabbed and pinned me to the wall.

"Now how about we let daddy, do something out it" he covers my mouth with a cloth and accidentally inhaled and the world went black.


I woke up and my neck hurt like crazy. I looked around and found myself in an unfamiliar room. I noticed that there was a bandage on my throat and I stang. I went to the mirror and noticed that I was wearing different clothes from earlier. I tried to call Jimin but my throat ached and nothing came out it was like he took my voice box.

Oh shit he did take my voice box

I storm out of the unfamiliar room I was kept in and hoping to find him but the whole house was unfamiliar and there was none , the house was empty. I walke around the new place and eventually found the kitchen. I went to get a glass of water but it even hurt to swallow the water down.

I saw a phone laying there on the coffee table and I dashed towards it. I call Taemin's number.

"Hello" I heard him say through the phone. I try to tell him but I couldn't speak my throat hurt even if I gulped.

"Hello, who's this" he said in frustration. I try to scream but nothing all I could feel was pain inside me. He hung up the phone and I slammed it in frustration. I started running around the mansion and kept on dropping plates until this place looked like a broken factory. I sat in the middle of the house and cried.

"WHAT THE HELL" I heard echoes in the house and it sounded like Jungkook. I get up and walk towards the muffled voices and leaned on the door frame and smiled.

"Jimin hyung did you perhaps hit her head when you were removing her box" Yoongi looked at me in confusion and made the others turn to look at me.

"Baby are you okay now" Jimin smirked and walked up to me. I pointed the middle finger at him and shoved the knife in his abdomen. I let go of him and all I could hear where screams and footsteps, I run outside the house and run barefoot trying to remember where I was. I walked up to a sign and it said welcome to Sydney.

Shit they shipped me to Australia, those fuckers.

How did you like this chapter?, hope you did anyways thanks for reading.

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