Chapter .5

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*2 months later*

"USE THE BACK DOOR" he screams through the ear piece. "Damn, Teahyung we can hear you, you know" I say while running towards the back door.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath. Two men came sprinting towards me.I kick one of the guys making him fall on the ground groaning in pain, the other throws a punch and I duck and kick him in in the shins, one them grabs my leg making my fall onto the ground. He hovers on me and strangles me, I try to yank his arms off me but he's grip was too strong. I grab my gun and shoot him on his stomach and he immediately falls to the ground letting him have a slow and painful death.

"Are you ok" Taehyung asks through that earpeice. "Yes, I'm fine" I whisper not wanting to make another scene. I continue running through the back door and I get in the black van.

"Took you long enough" Yoongi sighs while I get in, "Try fighting six men at the same time" I say while panting. "Stop exaggerating cause we all know there was only two guys behind you" he scoffs while going back to sleep.

I roll my eyes and sit at the back next to Hoseok and Jungkook. "What were you guys even doing, you guys surely came fast" I look at all them, "We where taking out the trash" Hoseok points at his bloody shirt. "Where here guys" Namjoon opens the door. I sprint to the mansion.

"BABY, I MISSED YOU" I open the door and lunge at Jimin attacking him with kisses while he carries me. "I missed you too baby" I feel him smirk through the kisses.

"You guys just haven't seen each other for five hours" Jin shouts through the kitchen. "Oh, Jimin how's your leg" I ask him while he still carries. "Oh, it's doing fine cause your putting your weight on it" he tries to put on a smile but I could see he was in pain so I quickly jumped off him.

"I wanna go on missions again" Jimin sits on the couch keeping his injured leg on the table. "Well, Jimin I said you can't cause your hurt" I whine and sit beside him.

"Fine, a husband should always respect their wife's decisions" He swings his arm around my shoulder, "Thank you" I peck his lips and we snuggle until we fall asleep.


"You may kiss the bride" Jimin steps closer and kisses me, this one was different it was more passionate the other kisses we shared just had lust, but I like this one better, so I kiss him back.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE" Jin takes a photo of us and I look down afraid of Jimin seeing blush cause he teases me.

*End of flashback*

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