Chapter .16

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I froze in fear scared to know hat they could do next, i try to convince Felix to run before its to late but he just shakes his head signaling  him not leaving you.

"WHOSE THIS MAN Y/N, DID'NT I TELL YOU THAT I DON'T WANT ANY MEN AROUND YOU" Jimin shouts at me to be honest i would shout back but i could'nt even if wanted to. I stood there giving him a death glare, he walked up to and raised his hand at me i closed my eyes waiting for the stinging pain but instead Felix took the punch for me and fell on the floor, i try to get to him but Jimin grabbed me and pushed me to the car.

"Yoongi, take him to the van and when we reach there you know what to do" Jimin gets in the c i was in and takes out a piece of cloth. I try to kick him away but he stops my foot and climbs on top of me, I sigh knowing that I wouldn't win the battle and just let him did what he wanted and everything went black.

I wake up and I see my self in the similar surroundings, Shit we're back in Korea. I try to get up but there was a stinging pain in my head. I sat back down massaging my temples trying to ooze the pain down. The door busted open and revealed a grinning Jimin.

"How are you baby?" He sits beside me and try's to grab my hand but I pull it away. I couldn't speak so I froze and kept on crying on my spot. He left and I was all alone in the room.

"Felix, where's Felix?" I thought to myself and I carried myself to the door and found it opened, I heard his screams and I immediately ran towards him. I saw Felix tied to a chair and Yoongi going towards him with a knife, I try to stop him but he slit Felix's throat and I don't know what happened after that, something in me triggered and I kicked Yoongi in the stomach and he fell down to the floor.

I grabbed the knife from the floor and kept on uncontrollably stabbing his neck and ripped out his throat. I stopped to catch my breathe and I saw the boys standing on the entrance door with their eyes shifting from Yoongi to me. I was just as suprised as them I never knew I could do that, tears start to flow down my cheeks.

The boys were running towards Yoongi, everything turned to slow motion and I saw Jimin looking at me and I panicked, I grabbed the same knife and charged towards him, he dodges my attack and I end up stabbing Jungkook. At that point I knew that it was either I kill everyone or be killed.

So we have finally reached the end of the story, and Thank you for reading the book and I might even publish a bonus chapter :) . I hoped you enjoyed the story.
-xoxo Author.

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