two - okay

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i laughed silently as i watched stanley make his way to our lunch table, his left hand grasping tightly onto a paper lunch bag. he grumbled and grumbled his little, angry heart out until slamming the sack onto the table.


"woah, wuh-what the f-fuh-fuck!" bill said. once stanley sat down, he grabbed his forearm with a concerned look on his face.

"fucking tozier and the stupid math project!" stanley complained, "why the fuck is there such a thing as a geometry project?"

"that's what you get for taking geometry instead of algebra!" i crossed my arms as i smirked triumphantly.

"oh fuck you!" stanley glared daggers into my soul. i raised my hands defensively with a playful smile. i was about to make another comment, but i watched as stanley's mood switched. my eyes then focused on bill's free hand, which was tracing along stanley's arm methodically.


"it's okay," i suggested, my cocky smile faltered into a smaller, more sympathetic one, "maybe you'll make a friend out of richard."

"richie," stanley commented.


"he goes by richie."

"oh!" bill perked up his head, catching the attention of both of us. it was apparent that an idea popped into his head, "could y-you please try and be f-f-fuh-friends. or at l-least t-teh-ell me when heh-huh-he's at your house. i'll do wuh-whatever you n-need! this is muh-my ch-chance!"

"your chance?" stan questioned. i rolled my eyes and finally opened my lunch box, listening in on the conversation.

"y-yeah! sh-she i-is friends w-with huh-him."



"i am not becoming friends with that-that-that trash mouth!"

"just-" i interrupted. i sighed, "call me when he's at your house. i'll ride over and become friends with him myself. i think bill deserves someone."

stan's mood changed again.


he let out a sad sigh. "fine," he agreed.

stan was normally a calm person, i would say. he never necessarily had negative emotions, but positive emotions were almost as rare. most of the times i saw positive adjectives from him were when he was alone, watching the birds in the park by himself.

in the past couple of days, it was different.

i think i stared at him for too long because eventually, he looked back at me with his brown eyes. i gave him a sympathetic look, but he just rolled his eyes and scanned the room.

i decided to walk home alone. i made sure to avoid all the puddles as i made my way down the large road towards my house. something felt weird as if there was an absence in the atmosphere, or a key on a piano was off. i ignored it, however. i balled the straps of my backpack into my fists. i felt the hair on my arms rise as a cool breeze rushed past me.

"i hate tuesdays," i grumbled. it was true, i do hate tuesdays. they're tiring, and i can't even talk with my friends after school. bill had speech class, and stanley would stay behind, a luxury i didn't have.

i looked up at the grey sky in frustration, "could today at least be sunny!"

"i like the grey skies," someone said as they passed by. they rode quickly on their bike, not bothering to turn around or anything. however, i recognized the dark hair and skinny frame.

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