ten - mesmerized

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stanley held his breath.

he waited for the day bill would grab his hand and kiss him and hold him. i watched him wait for years without noticing. he sat watching him pine at a pretty girl, and yet he didn't take a breath. he suffocated himself while watching bill smell fresh flowers.

bill, however, hated the smell of those flowers. he wanted so badly to hold onto stanley, hold his hand so tightly it almost falls off.

my eyes glued onto their subtle advances as i ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. stanley would place his pinky on top of bill's, and bill's face would heat up, not daring to lock eyes with the curly haired boy next to him. stanley's hand would then retract seeing that bill wouldn't lock hands with him. bill would lean on stanley's shoulder silently, but as soon as stanley would tense up from the contact, he would lift his head.

"hey losers," richie said, sitting next to me. beverly sat across from him with a smile. stanley frowned as he noticed beverly was on the other side of bill.

"why the long face, stan-the-man?" richie asked, slinging and arm around me and leaning more towards stanley's direction. the jew only scoffed and rolled his eyes. he mumbled a few inaudible words and then stabbed his fork into some food. bill, however, didn't even notice beverly; instead, his eyes scanned stanley from his curly hair to his black shoes.

i watched bill's arm angle more toward's stanley until it stopped. a blush crept on both of the boy's faces. i unattached richie's arm from my shoulders and leaned back to see what i thought was going on. bill's hands intertwined with stanley's, his thumb rubbing along the back of the other boy's hand. i lifted my head back up to lock eyes with a flustered bill.


i winked.

a smile spread across his face as he looked down. i watched as stanley's free hand scooped up a piece of his food with a fork and took a bite. he seemed to be trying to not panic from the contact.

stanley let go of a breath he was holding in for five years. william denbrough, meanwhile, got a smell of something other than fresh flowers. it felt like a weight was lifted on all three of our shoulders.

"hey," beverly spoke up, "we should go see a movie. maybe-"

"see you at eight." richie responded, "and maybe the rest of you idiots."

"oh so we're the idiots?" stanley shot back with a laugh, "okay trashmouth."

richie smiled


"cry me a river, urine."

"oh fuck you!"

i let out a laugh and placed my hand on richie's knee, where it stayed for the rest of lunch. i wasn't exactly sure what kind of affection is appropriate for friendship, especially considering the two friends that i have been with for the most of my life are now holding hands with rosy cheeks. making richie uncomfortable was the last thing i wanted to do, so i always glanced back up at richie's adjective for reassurance.


i stuck my hand in the popcorn that was between beverly and i as i watched the movie that played on the screen. we voted between a horror movie, and 'beauty and the beast'. bill and richie voted on the horror movie while beverly, stanley, and i voted on 'beauty and the beast'. richie then proceeded to call us 'pussies' for it.

it was the release day for the movie, so the theatre was moderately filled; however, it was mostly filled with parents and their small children. we were dead in the center of the whole theatre, so it was obvious that we were the outliers.

while watching the movie, i found myself thinking about who would be who. stanley was definitely cogsworth, so i would say richie is lumiére. beverly would be mrs. potts.

i gave up on figuring out all of the dynamics, so i instead closed my eyes and listened to the song being played with a smile. the woman's soft singing made my lips curl up into a smile. my eyes opened once again to see the beautiful blue and golden hues on the screen.

"wow," i whispered.

"pretty," i heard next to me. i turned to richie who had the tiniest smile. his eyes locked with mine, but not for long, as i looked up at his adjective quickly.


"so much for not watching a movie for pussies, tozier."

the room seemed to go muffled as i felt richie's hand grab mine. i kept telling myself that it was normal: that a boy that is your friend holding you, a boy's, hand is normal. it was okay.

"shut up, eds." he leaned his head on my own, causing me to slide my own down more and dig my nose into his neck.

"shut up, 'chee." i whispered from his neck. i let out a yawn and closed my eyes.

warmth seemed to radiate off of richie. he felt like a heater, contrasting with my cold body. i was constantly cold, almost shivering. i would get worried that i had a cold, but i rarely did, contrary to my mother's beliefs. i snuggled into him more closely, listening to his rhythmic breaths. the only thing that separated us was an armrest, but that didn't stop us. his shoulders moved up and down with every breath he sucked in.

i wanted to listen to his breaths all day. usually, when bill would breathe loudly after gym class, i would tense up and cringe silently. sometimes, it would even annoy me, like how it annoys people when their friends would sing in front of them. my eyes would roll or my jaw would clench. however, richie's breaths comforted me. it may have been because it reminded me that richie was more than 'your mom' jokes. he was a living, breathing human being that could interpret poetry beautifully. he was the one that could fancy the idea of soulmates, but didn't believe in them. he was a trashmouth. the trashmouth.

i fell asleep to his breathing, forgetting about the movie.

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