five - charmed

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the quarry— the best place in derry, maine to murder someone and get away with it. yet, i was walking towards the place with bill on my side, stanley next to him, to go meet bill's crush.

"you excited?" stanley elbowed bill lightly. the most subtle smile across his face. bill nodded with a bigger smile.

"yuh-yeah, i uh-a-am."


'liar.' i thought to myself briefly. i bit my tongue, however. my hands tugged at my red shorts for the third time in the past twenty minutes, and i looked down at the familiar cracked pavement. i gave bill a quick side-eye before focusing back on the road. red, yellow, and orange leaves fell on the ground, despite the sun beating down and the air being humid.

"i can't believe i'm following you two down to the quarry," stanley mumbled to himself.


"if you want to go back, stanley," i said sympathetically, "i understand." he only let out a scoff in response. i frowned sadly, looking at the boy. he kept trying to pull back a piece of hair, but the curls would always fall back into his face. every time it fell, it made stanley more and more frustrated. i stood still for a second before switching sides to walk beside stanley instead of bill. i then dug through my fanny pack with one hand, keeping my eyes ahead still. i finally felt what i needed. i picked up a small, brown hair clip and handed it to stanley.

"thank you," he whispered. he brushed the locks back and inserted the hair clip. it snapped back, which caused stanley to relax his hands and let out a long sigh of relief. i watched as bill glanced over at stanley another time. the word above his head burned more than i have ever seen.

"maybe we should do this another da-," i started to suggest, but i was cut off.

"no!" stanley yelled. he closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nostrils. i looked down and saw bill try to touch stan's pinky with him own, but stan yanked his own hand away. i looked at stanley's adjective.


"i'm tired of this game of you going back and forth on this- this girl!" stanley exclaimed, "just talk to her! i feel like a goddamn puppy following you around on your teenage boy hormone filled bullshit!" stanley started to pick up his speed and walked on his own ahead of bill and i. bill's jaw dropped as his eyes stayed glued on the hot-headed boy ahead of us.

bill looked at me one last time before jogging, "s-stuh-stan!" he called out, jogging up to him. i continued to walk by myself behind them, looking at the scene. if i didn't know the context behind it, the view ahead of me would have been very humorous. bill kept trying to talk to stan and grab him arm or hands, but stanley would only ignore him and swat away his gestures.

"jesus christ," i mumbled to myself, "they act like an old married couple."

it kind of stung that my best friend chose stanley over me.

"ow," beverly said simply, taking a seat on a large rock that sat in the sun. she was really pretty, quiet though. not an awkward quiet or observant quiet; she was the kind of person to lay back silently, left to her own thoughts. she was quite the opposite of richie, but also very similar. richie thought aloud, while beverly thought quietly.

bill sat on the ground next to me quietly, awkwardly. he rarely looked at beverly, however. he looked over at richie and stanley who sat together, facing the water as their legs dangled over the edge. richie babbled on and on to stanley as the curly headed boy only nodded occasionally, listening to his own thoughts instead. richie sat down first, examining the area while talking to himself quietly at a million miles per our. stanley sat down next to him after walking around the area by himself. he refused to even look at bill.

i looked up at bill's adjective.


"so eddie," beverly looked over at me with her bright blue eyes. i focused back on her, letting out a quick hm. "how long have you been talking to richie?"

"oh," i laughed lightly, "i only started talking to him yesterday. he's pretty nice, though."

a small smile creeped up her face.

i looked over at bill again, who was still staring off at stanley. i elbowed him lightly, causing him to snap out of his trance with a blush. i slightly nodded towards beverly with a wide eyes.

"s-so," bill cleared his throat, "are yuh-yo-you and ruh-rurr-richie-"

"dating?" beverly laughed, shaking her head, "never." bill only nodded with a chuckle. i felt a weight that i didn't know was on my shoulders being lifted. beverly looked over at me with a observant eyes. she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before looking at her surroundings.

i watched as stanley and richie got up and got up together and sat down. richie sat next to me on the same rock, and stanley sat on the only available place left: the spot next to bill. i noticed stanley's adjective changed since bill's last effort on our trail.


i watched as bill placed his pinky on top of stanley's, but this time, stanley didn't move his pinky. his shoulders tensed, but he quickly relaxed them, as if not to cause a scene.


i slowly closed my eyes and tilted my head up towards the sky, letting the sunlight hit my face. the warmth felt nice on my face rather than the feeling of riding my bike in a cold, damp fog. "i hate the sun," i heard richie mumbled next to me.

i found it odd how richie enjoyed clouds more than the sun. most people like a nice summer day with lemonade and a swimming pool in their parents' suburban backyard. richie seemed like the kind that like cold days in the fall, stepping on soggy leaves and burning his tongue from drinking coffee too early. he seemed melancholy, despite how many jokes he made. he always seemed lonely.

"well," i smiled, rubbing his shoulder with my own, "it'll be gone soon."


"cute," i mumbled.



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