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This tale begins with a friendship anew
While the witches were stirring their brew
Two girls were born
Their heritage filled with scorn

Together they will sew the ripping world at its seams
Due to one race trying to get ahead with their schemes
The mortals remain in the dark with their aspirations and dreams

The supernatural world will not stay the same
The old law aflame
A new law will be in place
The old traditions will not be erased

On a stormy night the birth of two girls begins at a place close to Cypress Lake. Silence shrouds the surrounding area. The Spanish moss on the bald cypress trees sway from a light gush of wind. Two small huts decorate the shore of the lake and are illuminated by one simple illumination spell. Another spell is cast to prevent any sounds from outside as well as inside. A mother frantic points to a bottle on the wooden table and the potion floats to her in order to soothe the contractional pains. A few more pushes and her daughter is in her arms.

She counts all her fingers and toes. Then she beams down at her little angel who is capturing every aspect of her mother's face. Her mother cleans her up while casting another spell to clean the hut. She wraps her baby in a handmade blanket and with a snap of her finger the spell over the hut and surroundings disperses instantly.

She enters the second hut with her newly infant in her arms and finds her friend has given birth to her baby girl too. With both of the spells lifted they burn an herb to conceal their conversation.

"The oracles have said with every good consequence there's a bad consequence to keep the balance of life even."

"With every birth there is a death."

"Precisely...what do you think will happen?"

"I'm not certain, but whatever it is we cannot risk altering the future even if it means we won't be in our daughters lives."

"I hate to think of such atrocities."

"We should name our babies while we have time."

"My baby will be Jade."

"Mine shall be called Kiyah."

For three months the mothers begin to see a few abilities of their babies. They have play dates with one another and their friendship bond becomes stronger. On the night of a full moon the mothers sense danger coming and quickly write a letter to attach to their babies. They then swiftly lower their three month old babies in a basket. They enchant the baskets to discreetly deliver them to Kiyah's grandmother's home. After a delivery of two quick kisses on the foreheads of the newborns, a flash of light envelopes the hut. Both of the huts burn with a fire that cannot be quenched with mire or water.

"Are they in there?"


"Bring them out to me."

The babies make it to the kitchen of Kiyah's grandmother's Blanche home. The babies let their presence become known by indicating it's feeding time with their wails. The grandmother enters the room with the expression of bewilderment covering her face.

"What in tarnation?! I didn't order two babies?! Leave it to Stella to get my order mixed up again! I guess I'll just send them back from where they came from."

Before she casts the spell the notes catch her eyes. She reads the notes and pure horror paints itself on her face before it returns to a neutral expression.

Dear mother, I pray that Kiyah and Jade has made it to your home safely

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Dear mother,
I pray that Kiyah and Jade has made it to your home safely. Something is going to happen to us tonight and we don't want to tempt fate. So please protect them the best way you can and I want you to know that there was no other way to save me.

With all my love,
Your daughter Kiarah

Dear Mother Blanche, You've always been a mother to me

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Dear Mother Blanche,
You've always been a mother to me. Please take care of Jade and Kiyah for us. Use your magic to keep them from harms ways. The oracles know more than we do in these troubling times. Thank you for everything.

Your adopted daughter,

"Well I'll be damned."

She makes two bottles of milk and feeds them. She creates two cribs and they begin to rock the babies asleep.

"One more thing before I leave."

She softly whispers a concealment spell over both infants before she teleports to Cypress Lake. She finds the remnants of both huts and she pulls her hood on over her cloak.

"My daughter even with all the power and knowledge I possess there is no way I could possibly resurrect you from this horrible fate."

Tears begin to fall profusely around her and the wind begins to rapidly spin around her body.

"Vengeance shall be mine."

Lightning flashes across the sky at her declaration and she blinks out of the area back to her home. She checks on the infants and they are undisturbed by her entrance. She goes into her bedroom and keeps a keen ear out for her two grandchildren throughout the night.

Blanche rises up early in the morning to tend to the babes and after they fall back asleep she resumes working on her brew.

"Raven's beak. Monkey's tail. Pig snout. Spanish Moss. Cypress root."

As the last ingredient drops into the cauldron it turns bright purple.

"Show me what happened last night to my daughter."

The image appears and Blanche sees Kiarah and Jewel talking while both babies play with their toys. Kiarah looks over her shoulder and telling Jewel to get the babies ready. They begin writing in the scrolls and attach them to the babies. They cast a spell over the baskets.
She watches as the babies receives their kisses from their mothers and leave the hut moments before it engulfs in light that sets the hut aflame.

"Are they in there?"


"Bring them out to me."

A stray tear makes its way into the cauldron causing the whole image to fade.

"No! Damn it!"

Both of the voices were disoriented and there was no way to bring up the image back without having all of the ingredients again. In frustration with a flick of her hand she causes books to fall on the floor in a disarray manner.

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