۵ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵

175 14 3

"Karma Akabane."

-𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓼𝓪'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥-

Karma... Akabane. Karma Akabane. Karma Akabane. Why does this name sound so familiar? I feel like I've heard it before... I mean, I might have since he's the son of one of the richest people in Japan who owns like so many companies. But... Something about his name.. Just seems so...

"Nagisa!" I heard a voice call my name, which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hm? What?" I asked. Of course, it was Isogai who called my name.

"Nagisa, you okay? You seemed to be deep in your thoughts there." Isogai mentions. I laughed it off. 

I just couldn't get that name out of my head. It just stuck to my mind. I don't know why. Maybe I've... heard it before.

Karasuma, Isogai and I were going over the plan. It was simple: Isogai and I are going to enter one of the Akabane Company's building. Karasuma heard that there was going to be a party on the 7th floor and that Karma was going to attend. I dress up all girly-girl in a dress and Isogai would be my 'bodyguard'. Isogai stole two IDs for us from the last assassination we did together. One for me, which was named "Rio Nakamura"; and the other for Isogai, which was a bodyguard ID. He switched the pictures on the ids to match our looks to make it more believable. As we enter and confirm our identification, we head on to the party. That's where the fun starts.

Once we went over the plan once more, we got into our 'costumes' and started heading over there. As we entered the building, the guards, as predicted, checked us for identification. We showed them our 'IDs' and boom- We were in. According to Karasuma, Karma has red hair and mercury eyes. He should be about 185 cm. Jeez, when am I gonna get to that height? Anyways, while Isogai and I were looking for him, we saw a crowd of girls huddle around one corner. 

"Hey check that over there. They say he's hot, so there might be a reason there's girls over there." Isogai nudged at me. I started walking towards the crowd of females and he was right.  Karma Akabane was at the center of attention. His head (and height) standing out from the rest of the crowd. It kind of felt... Heart-warming. He was actually pretty hot. But at the same time, I felt like I've seen him before.. Something about him me feel... What? Nagisa! You know the #1 rule of assassination. Don't get attached to the target. Remember it. 

-𝓚𝓪𝓻𝓶𝓪'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥-

Ugh... Here we go again. Attending another one of my father's parties. He said I had to 'socialize with other people' . Disgusting. I don't need friends, they disappoint me. Every time I try to befriend someone, they always leave me alone in the dark. So from then on, I never made a friend again... But still, it does get lonely..

As soon as I entered the party, everyone started huddling all around me, mostly girls. I was tall, so I was able to overlook all of them. Suddenly my eyes landed on a certain girl. She had blue pigtails and wore an off-shoulder dress. I don't know why, but something about her seemed so.. familiar. What am I talking about? I never had a friend since.. him.. 

Wait.. She's coming closer. Ugh, I think she's one of those fan girls again. Better step away. But.. I feel like I should get closer.. Her aura seems so.. warm.

-𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓼𝓪'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥-

(REALLY recommend listening to Surrender by Natalie Taylor while reading the first paragraph. It made my heart cry uwu <3)

I started to walk towards him. My heart racing with each step. I don't even know why. I've never felt anything for my targets. Never. Why is it that I'm feeling it now? As I walked towards him, I saw his steps getting closer. It's like.. he wanted to come towards me... Like he was waiting for me.. Both of us, slowly making our way towards each other. As we finally got to the middle, our eyes met. He was way taller than me, so of course I had to look up. It was like.. Meeting someone after a long time. This feeling inside me... I really felt like crying. And I did. Without realization, I felt a warm tear falling from the side of my face. He wiped my cheek with his hand and kept it there for some time.

"What's going on?"

"Oh my god, I have to get this on Instagram!"

"Karma really just did that."

I heard so many voices coming from the crowds, but everything silenced once I heard his words:

"Do you want to... talk somewhere private?"

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘦 ♡ || 𝘬𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢 𝘹 𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘴𝘢Where stories live. Discover now