۵ 𝘮𝘺 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘺

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-𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓼𝓪'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥-

I don't think I can kill my target after what just happened. I just met my childhood friend after all these years. I kept crying for as long as I could remember. A moment after I stopped crying, I pulled Karma away. I had to explain to him. He probably thought I was a maniac trying to kill him.

"K-Karma... I'm sorry I tried to kill you." I said. He chuckled a bit. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Nagisa, it's okay. I knew you didn't recognize me." he said. He flipped his hair back and sat down at the couch. A moment later, I did the same.

"S-Still.. I knew your face and name sounded so familiar, but I still did it anyways." I stuttered. I began to shed a few tears when I felt Karma's hand on my head. He smiled.

"You were always a crybaby, Nagisa." he said. This brought me to more tears. I stopped a bit to say my next words, which is pretty much revealing my identity as an assassin.

"Karma. What I'm about to tell you is the reason why I was going to kill you, but you might hate me after I tell you." I said. His look turned to a silenced and rather calming look. Judging by this look, I knew he was ready to hear it.

"I'm a high-class assassin. The reason why I tried to kill you was because you were my target. We were afraid that your father, Aito Akabane, would use his money against us since he was one of the richest people in Japan. We heard the only thing he loves besides his money was his son, which happens to be you. And that's why we're here." I explained. Karma just stared at me. I knew this wasn't going to end good.

"We?" he asked. I stood up and got a shot of vodka. I didn't know if I should mention Isogai or Karasuma. No.. he deserves to know. This case is about him and his father.

"You remember Karasuma-sensei and Isogai-kun?" I asked, drinking the shot of vodka. He nodded.

"They're here with you?" 

"Mhm.. but I don't know why Karasuma didn't tell me that it was yo--" I was cut off by my own thoughts. I remembered what Karasuma said before I took the job.

This is a job only you can do, Nagisa.

Is this what he meant by that? It's a job only I could do because it involved Karma? Why didn't Karasuma just tell me that it was childhood Karma. I think I would've understood if he said that and say: Oh, sorry Karasuma. Karma is my best friend and I would never choose ¥2,000,000 yen over him.

"Nagisa?" Karma snapped me out of my thoughts, the look of worry on his face. "Something wrong?" he asked. I smiled.

"Nothing.." I said. I looked down to the abstract-looking carpet laying on the ground, slightly messed up after our fight. Karma looked at me and smiled, but I could tell that it was a sad smile.

"Well, if it's my dad you're looking for.." he said, reaching his hand out to me. "Then it's my dad we're gonna get." he grinned.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "What are you talking about?" He looked down, fists cuffed into a ball.

"The last time I saw you... he hurt you." he explained. "He hurt you, and I did nothing!" I was shocked. He actually.. cared?

"But it wasn't your fault! I knew you were upset about your mother's death, and I don't blame you. It's okay. Don't kill your father because of me." I said. It really wasn't his fault. I shouldn't have talked to him that day. I probably made his day worse after that..

"I don't care. My father made my life hell. At this point, I just want him dead." he said, his eyes looking through mine. It made me shiver.. I could feel his bloodlust, but it was stronger than before. Was his father really that bad?

I took my time to think about this. This really is bad. I couldn't kill him even if I wanted to. There's a part of me inside that cares for him so deeply. I don't want to admit it, but is this the feeling of love? I've never felt this in my life before, not even for a crush. I always thought that love was unimportant and irrelevant, so I avoided it whenever the topic came up. But I never thought that I'd feel love for Karma.

-𝓚𝓪𝓻𝓶𝓪'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥-

I don't care what Nagisa says about my father. He hurt him. I don't care who you are. Anyone who hurts Nagisa gets a free ticket to hell. I've felt this way about him since we were kids. But.. What are we going to do? Nagisa walked towards the door and twisted the handle.

"Let's go." he said, walking out the door. I stood up and ran towards him.

"Nagisa! What's going to happen to you when they find out you didn't kill me?" I asked. Nagisa looked at me with a smile.

"Don't worry. They'll understand.. I hope." he mumbled. 

I told the guards that I'll be out for about a week. Nagisa and I walked out the building to find a standing silhouette in the distance. As we moved closer, the figure noticed our presence, having the look of surprise on his face. It was Isogai. Haven't seen him in years.

"Nagisa? Did you finish alread--" he said, finally realizing it was me. "K-Karma?!" he yelled.

"Before you say anything, do you remember him?" Nagisa asked. Isogai's pale golden eyes shot mine as he thought about where he's seen me before. The look of shock appeared on his face as he remembers me.

"H-He's that Karma?!" he yelled. Nagisa nodded. I chuckled and waved.

"Been a long time, Isogai-san." I said. Isogai's reaction was priceless when Nagisa and I explained what was going on.

"Ehh.. Must've been hard for you two." he added.

"We managed." I said, putting my arms around Nagisa's shoulder. His face turned red as soon as he felt my hand touch his skin. Isogai looked at Nagisa with an 'Ouuu' smirk. I laughed.

"We still have something to do." Nagisa said, pulling his phone out of his 'purse'. "I'm almost mad at him. Plus, I have to ask so many questions on why he didn't tell me before." he explained.

"Do we have to tell him?" Isogai asked. Nagisa nodded.

"Who?" I question. Both heads turned to me as Isogai answered.


𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘦 ♡ || 𝘬𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢 𝘹 𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘴𝘢Where stories live. Discover now