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8 (Part 1)


"This is Six Year Old Maggie McDonald. She came in last night with a shortness of breath and we found a tumor on her brain hence why they called me" Ryan Channing, Head of Neurology. I havent had a chance to work with him since I started and today is that day. I already been here for 12 hours and my break was coming soon. He is the type of Doctor that grew up wealthy and gloats about being a Doctor every five minutes.

"I have scheduled a surgery to have it removed from her brain for later on today. I want you to assess her every 3 hours until I say its time for surgery." He told me as I gave her a quick smile and we backed out of the room.

"Now I am no expert but why do we have to assess a brain tumor every three hours...is it growing fast because if so dont you need to remove it"

"Are you familiar with BlueChain?" He asked cutting me off as we stopped by the surgery board. I squinted as he chuckled, "They are co-owners of the oncology department here...which means they pour alot of money into this hospital to make sure numbers stay on the up and up."

"Im not following..." I told him as he exhaled, "Maggie McDonald parents don't have the insurance to pay for this surgery. BlueChain covers surgery if its dire to a patients life. So in 3 hours her breathing will decrease again and in which ill have approval by BlueChain to do the surgery."

"Doctor Channing not to overstep but isnt that juggling with people lives." I stated as he chuckled. He placed a hand on my shoulder and rubbed it.

"This isnt Greys Anatomy or the Good Doctor. This is real life and in real life surgeons like myself and what you aspire to he have to make a living and if insurance doesnt cover it then we have to get paid by the hospital who is already in debt so it turns into cheap labor...I have a family to take care of and BlueChain isnt all bad who you think foot the bill for your amazing insurance coverage..."

"Yeah and I am not the one who needs it right now" I blurted out in the hype of the conversation as the conversation with my mother and brother from yesterday came flooding back in my head. She said the chemo routines that they had for her would only give her a few extra months and why be sick than be who we know her to be til her last day. I cried for hours that they kept this from me. I came back here to be with her thru this as she get thru it and to find out I came to see her die is messed up.

"Doctor Jabar, is something wrong?"

"No-well yes my mother was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and the chemo would only give her a few months so she has declined it....whats the use to spending"

"Well do she know all her options? Doctor Jabar your job here comes with perks...Set an appointment up with Doctor Flank in on Oncology. Add your mother under your insurance so it will be a free checkup...this hospital is greatly staffed. Trust she didn't get all her options. Now go on your break and do as I told you." He explained before walking off and I quickly hurried to the locker room. I grabbed my laptop and headed to the cafe. I quickly added my mom to my insurance plan thru the hospital and called up to Oncology. I asked to speak to Doctor Flank and his assistant informed me he was out on a lunch call and that he would be back later. I set up an appointment for my mom and the earliest was Wednesday at 10 AM. Which wasn't bad at all.

A few days later


"Hector!" I said as I walked into Clipz. He was cutting Q hair. This must be fate because these the two niggas I needed to see.

"Q!" I added as I clapped them both up and exhaled, "Both of yall boys come see me in my office after you finish up here." I told them as I walked into the back and then I turned around and asked, "Hec...she good?" Vaguely asking about his sister.

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