Untitled Part 2

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PG 3

It has been two years since he had left England. Two years since the battle of Hogwarts. Two years since he had seen Hermione. It had been two of the toughest years of his life.

He had keep in touch with people in that time mostly though owl mail.

But he had only seen Neville a few times . In one of these visits Neville had informed him that Ron and Hermione had broken up. Oh how he wanted to pack up and return then but then what? What about when she started dating? The thought of her with anyone else made his wand hand itch. So he figured it's a good thing to stay away unless he wanted to end up in Azkaban. In the last two years he had traveled where ever he wanted he had gone to Museums and theme parks and volunteered building homes for the needy. The dreams had slowly faded into the dark. The one thing that had not faded was his love for Hermione.

So now he is seating in a small town in Kansas that suppose to have the world's biggest ball of twine. Killing time till Neville got there.

" may I take your order?"

He could feel the blood leave his face as he looked up.

"Sir are you alright?"

" Hermione?"

"No sir my name's Anna." Pointing at her name tag.

" are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine it's just you look alot like my friend. So much so you could be her sister."

" well IV always heard that everyone has a twin out there."


"Would you like to order?"

"Just coffee for now. I'm expecting a friend."

"Sir if you don't mind my asking are you from England?"

"Yes . the accent give it away?"

"Yeah. I was actually born in England."

" really ? What part?"

" Earlsfield."

" I don't hear any British?"

"Oh you wouldn't sir . my parents and I moved to America when I was around 2."

Cook yells " Anna. Order."

Blushing Anna says" sorry sir I guess I better get back to work . I'll be right back with your coffee."

" call me Harry."

"Alright Harry."

No sooner has she left that Neville slid into the opposite seat.

" so who was that ?

" come on nev. leave it alone man."

" hey all I'm saying is I haven't seen you smile and be that relaxed in a long time."

Harry and Neville ordered burgers and fries and ate pie for dessert and chatting till closing time.

Anna" gentlemen I'm sorry to tell you this but it's closing time."

Harry " Oh wow sorry it's laterer than I thought. Thanks for the meal."

Blushing " No problem come back anytime Harry."

" I just might."

"Harry come on man. Even I could tell she was flirting with you I mean you didn't hear her say my name."

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