Untitled Part 8

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The minute he walked out of the fireplace into Hermiones flat he knew he was home. In truth what he had with Anna was great but it was not home the only place that had ever been home was Hermione even when they were stuck in that tent.

When Neville had informed him about her getting hurt it had felt like his heart had fell into his stomach.

But, when he said that Hermione had told him that she loved me he was in a complete shock sure she only admited she loved him because she was potioned out of her mind at the time but still there was a chance that he could have the family he always wanted but believed he would never have. He walks out of the living room and calls her name. The next thing he knows is something slams into him knocking the breath out of him.

All he could see is her brown bushy hair. Merlin how he had missed her hugs .

" well I take it that you missed me?"

She pulls back and the next thing I feel is a sting as her hand makes contact with my cheek.

" Harry James Potter! What do you mean by taking off like that? Not to mention you didn't keep in contact with anyone but Neville!"

" but I did keep in contact Hermione I wrote you."

" hardly harry you can't seriously think I count postcards as letters..

I mean even then you only wrote a few lines saying you fine and the rest was about some silly thing you went and seen. Then nothing for weeks if not months. Do you know what went though my mind? Just when I was about to lose it and couldn't stand it any more I'd get one of your postcards, and then I could breath for a little while then it would start all over."

"I'm sorry."

"And trying to get any information from Neville wasn't going to happen. You have no idea how many times I thought about hexing him . if he wasn't one of our best friends I would have."

God how he had missed this but he had to know " Hermione breathe. I promise to answer your questions but I need you to answer one for me first and I need you to be honest."

" really Harry you think I should answer your question first why? How do I know you won't go running off as soon as you get you answer? Why would I"

"Blood hell Hermione" he reaches out and pulls her onto his arms and kisses her. After a few seconds she wraps her arms around him and returns his kiss just as passionate.

After a moment Harry pulls back and says, " well that answers my question." Smiling as he looked into her honey brown eyes.

"We need to talk we have a lot to talk about."

"Alright I'll put some tea on follow me."

As she puts the water on the stove she says" Harry was I the reason you left?"

" not all of it but a good part of it.

I just couldn't go on watching you and Ron together anymore not after I realized I was in love with you."

"But me and Ron broke up ages ago. Why didn't you come back then?"

" I figured you would eventually start dating again and I didn't wanna end up in Azkaban for hexing any wizard that kissed you."

They seat down at the small table sipping on thire tea.

" Harry about this between us what does it mean? And are you staying?"

" I wanna be with you I love you. I Have no doubt about that you are the love of my life but there something I need to tell you."

" okay what is it?"

" promise your listen ?"

" Harry,"

" Hermione please?"

" ok fine."

" about 6 months ago I meet someone we started hanging out .

She reminds me of you that's what first drew my attention. Well. We started dating."

" are you trying to tell me you have a girlfriend?"

" No well yes but that's not it.not all of it . she moved in with me we been living together for 3 months."

" so it's serious between you two?"

" Yeah more so on her part than mine. I mean I care about her and I do love her but not like I love you but, I guess what I'm trying to say is I've got to go back and end things before we can start anew . "

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