Untitled Part 6

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The next morning I awake to an empty bed. As I lay there I replay the events of last night over in my head.

Surprised that I'm not more sore than I am.just as I was thinking of getting out of bed to see where harry had gotten to imbue walks in nothing but a towel still partly wet. Instantly my heart started racing with images of things I'd like to be doing and I started blushing like crazy.

Harry walks over to me and gives me a kiss and says" morning sleepy head. how do you feel?"

" pretty good a little sore but it's well worth it. But I was a little disappointed that you were gone when I woke up."

" well I guess I'll just have to make up for it won't I ?" Kissing me .i wrap my arem around his neck and pull him down on the bed so I can feel him beside me and deepen the kiss.

" are you sure you could be much more sorer ."

" Oh yeah it will be worth it."

He laughs knowing he will have to recast the mild numbing charm later.

It was after noon before both left bed . since both of us was starving we drove to a near by Burger joint and slid into a booth. Harry saw me wrench as I slid in realized it was time to recast it. He slid his wand out of his invisible wand holster that and cast a silent numbing spell. after lunch they headed home and started a movie about 30 minutes into he realized that Anna had fallen asleep using him as a pillow. And for the next week that how we spent our time together when I wasn't at work I was with him. We still went out and did stuff the only difference was I now stayed the night.


My parents return ended the sleep overs. Everything was normal for a few days but then one day my dad busted into my room yelling at me calling me a trollop and demanding to know if the rumors were true I was confused " what rumors?"

" the ones about you and some boy!"

" he's not some boy and I'm not a trollop! I love him and he loves me!"

" so it's true while we been gone your been shacked up with some boy disgracing yourself like some floozy."

"Dad please."

" you thought you could just pretend that nothing happened while we were gone. Well it's NOT okay.i will not let you turn into some Scarlet woman not under this roof! You ether end it or leave!"

" Dad"

" you will not turn out like your mother a woman of questionable

morality! I will not have it. we've tried your whole life to teach you right from wrong. you will not turn into a

Trollop like your mother was."

"My mom is NOT a trollop! How can you stand there and listen to him call us names and not say anything?"

" I'm not."

"John please don't!"

" she has a right to know."

"I was talking about my wife I was talking about your mother."

"What? What are you saying?"

" Anna baby listen there is something we've never told you and I never wanted to tell you this way. I couldn't have children and wanted a child so much ."

" what are you saying?"

" we adopted you."

" I don't believe you!" I rush past them though the door and head to the lake to a secluded cove where I can think and figure this out why was her father being so mean? Growing up he could be a real jerk but never like this. After awhile I notice it's starting to get dark and realize I need to head out if I'm gonna get out of here. As I enter I meet my mom at the door and can see that's she's been crying. Why does my father have to always be in control of everything, it was his way or no way.

My father comes up from behind my mother and says" I assume you've made your decision."

" decision what decision?"

" it's him or us unless he wants to go get married."

" Dad please were not ready for marriage."

"Then you have a choice to make 30 minutes."

" mom please ."

" IV been trying to get him to change his mind I haven't given up. He just needs some time. I think it would be best if you stayed at Janet's for a few days till he calms down."

" but."

" you need to go get your things you are gonna need for the next week."

" I go to my room and start gathering things on auto pilot not even sure what I'm getting just putting stuff in to my suitcase then I go to the bathroom and gather my personal items like hairbrush and toothbrush and toothpaste and hair dryer and other female items I might be needing soon.and toss them into the smaller suitcase and zip it up just as my dad appears I think it's time for you to be leaving. Soon I'm headed down the road pulling behind me 2 suitcases it was gonna be a long walk it's half a mile to the diner and almost another to Harry's hopefully Janet will be at the diner and she can give me a ride. by the time I reach Janet's my arms and legs are hurting and I have a massive headache. She opens the door and users me in. " what happened?"

Crying I tell her what happened.

She offers to bring me over to Harry's place. As soon as I see him I rush into his arms crying he holds me. Softly he asks" what happened?"

Janet fill him in."

" how can they just kick her out they are her parents?"

With a shaky breath I say" that's just it. Thire not. My father just told me tonight that they adopted me."

Janet let's out a breath" damn girl today is one screwed up day. No need to come in tomorrow ,actually the next few days . i'll have someone cover." Looking over at Harry and says" you better take care of her."

Harry nods and says " I will."

Harry held me as I cried and we talked. exhaustion finally over took around 3 am.

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