Untitled Part 4

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A few weeks later we are hanging out at the cabin that harry had rented cooking dinner when there was a knock at the door Harry answers it and it's Neville" hey buddy, happy birthday!"

" Harry why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?"

" I just never have made a big deal about it."

Neville" well that's why I'm here . I may not have cake and stuff but I got the fire whiskey."

After the first sip I started coughing and realized why they called it fire whiskey it burned the whole way down and not liking the taste it wasn't long before my glasses was forgotten and the boys started talking and laughing about stuff had never heard of what is a muggle? And quidditch? And a quaffle? and singing songs I had never heard. Around 11pm I told Harry goodnight and he pulled me into a deep kiss getting a whoop from Neville. Laughing Harry looked over at him and said " very muture."

Cousing Neville to start laughing.

The next morning I was at work by 9.

Harry and Neville showed up around noon looking kind of embressed. Walking over to them " I was for sure you two would be hungover and sick today."

" Oh we are." He pull her into his arms and gives a kiss. Neville clears his throat " I don't know about you harry but I'm starving."

Anna laughs " ok what can I get you boys?"


As I was closing up the diner later that night Harry appeared as if out of no where.

" hey baby, you about done?"

" what are you doing here?"

" well since I was way to drunk to walk you home last night I figured I'd bring you home tonight. And maybe get a few kisses in between here and there.."

I nervously clear my though" actually I was planning on stopping by your place tonight."

Harry wraps his arms around my waist and says " you do know my place is in the opposite direction of yours?"

" Yes I know that . but as I have no curfew tonight and I'm off work tomorrow I figured I'd go to your place."

" what about your parents?"

"They are away visiting family for the next week since I couldn't get a week off I couldn't go. Since they are not at home watching the clock like I'm a teenager. No curfew"

"Actually you are still a teenager you know."

"I'm 19. I'm not a child."

" I never called you a child but technical you are still a teenager."

" you had better be nice harry or I will go home and won't give you anymore kisses and just take a shower and go to bed."

" if I'm good can I watch?"

I mumble" maybe".causing him to laugh.

" I was thinking I would stay the night . IV been thinking about it for awhile now.and I think I'm ready."

" Anna it's ok if your not. I'm willing to wait till you are."

" I know."

" so what exactly have you been thinking about? " raising a eyebrow "Anything in particular?"

" Oh no I'm not telling you that no matter how much I love." Quickly looking away.

" Anna look at me , look at me I love you to."

Pulling me to him he kisses me deeply .I pull away and yell out to Janet that I'm heading out.

As we drive to Harry's place neither of us said a word. Inside he pulls me to him and says "you can change your mind."

"It's just IV never you know.. I've read about the mechanics of it all but what if I'm no good at it."

Harry busted out laughing"I can't believe that you just said that!"

" it's not funny harry it's not like I can study till I get it right. Plus it's surpposs to hurt ."

" Anna baby I promise I will let you set the speed if you decide to stop we will. As far as you not being any good at this it's not a test. As far as hurting I will do my best to not course you any more discomfort than necessary. I love you I don't wanna hurt you. "

" okay I'm gonna go get a shower and wash the diner off me." Reaching up I giving him a kiss.

" I'll be here."

I reach the bathroom my heart is racing .what am I doing? Am I really ready? Yes i told him I was but am I ? Yes we have been fooling around for awhile now and I had been enjoying it. Yes I love him and he said he loves me and that he would never hurt me on purpose. but am I ready?.

20 minutes later stepping into the living room made me stop. while I was in the shower Harry had put on some soft music and turn down the lights down to a soft glow and lite some candles making it romantic.he pulls me into his arms and kisses me slowly deeping the kiss. Pressing my body to his I can feel the effect I'm having on him making my heart speed up he began to place light kisses down my jaw to my neck pausing to nibble on my neck below my ear causing me to moan I pull my fingers out of his hair and unbutton his shirt pushing it off his shoulders and began to place kisses on his neck and collarbone while running my hand up and down his chest loving the feel of his muscles twitching under my hands. He starts kissing and nibbling on my should and I can't help but moan causing him to smile.he reclaims my mouth the kiss because more demanding more urgent I can feel his manhood begging to be released I reach for his pants to unbutton them and he places his hand on top of mine and says" are you sure?"

I look in to his eyes and all I can see is the love and tenderness shining back at me ."yes."

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