Untitled Part 3

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PG 4

Every evening Harry found himself at the diner. Watching Anna they had several convesations he could now see the difference in them more easily. Although both had bushy brown wavy hair Anna's was less bushy.they both had the warm brown eyes but Anna didn't have the golden specks that Hermione's did. She was also shorter by several inches.He had heard her laugh out loud a few times but wondered if she really laughed if she'd snort like Hermione. He knew that this wasn't right comparing the two girls to each other but he just couldn't stop himself.

" hey Harry what's up? "

" what do you mean?"

"I know our food and coffee  not that good. Yet night after night your in here."

Smiling harry says " you caught me . I think I'm just feeling home sick. Missing my friends."

" I'm sorry to hear that. Does this have something to do with me looking like one of your friends?"

Harry " No no maybe I'm not sure."

Laughing" well that clears things up doesn't it? Listen Harry tomorrow is my day off why don't we hang out? I can show you around even show you the world's biggest ball of twine."

" I think I'd like that. how do you know that I'm not some creep or something?"

" I'm not sure . IV just got this feeling we were meant to meet." Smiling " I'll see you tomorrow around 10?"

" you can count on it."

PG 5

As the days turned into weeks I began to wonder if this friendship could turn onto more. But, as far as I knew Harry only saw me as his friend. He hasn't even hugged me. But there was times I could have swear that I had seen something there like longing in his eyes or maybe I was only seeing what I wanted to see. I had talked to Janet at work and she had told me if I waited to much longer I would be put in to the friend zone and he would move on. But, what should ido? What if i were wrong? I could lose this friendship but if I didn't try I could lose a lot more.

Harry waving his hands " Anna yoohoo hey where did you go?"

" what?"

" I was asking you what you wanted to do this weekend ? I was thinking about dodge city. I know it's a 3 hour drive but they do this old west gunfight reenactments and we could get dressed up and visit the wild west me as a gunslinger and you as a saloon girl. And swing by and see Wyatt Earp."

" Harry we need to talk."

"Uh oh what did I do?"

" nothing. Why would you ask that?"

" nothing good has ever happened after someone said that."

" I guess it depends on how you answer."

" ok let's have it."

" um how do I ask this?"

" I'm not sure. Why don't you ask then I can tell you."

" very funny."

" I thought so."

" we've been hanging out for about a month right?"

"Sounds about right."

" well I kinda wanna know if we are just friends or more? I mean I like you for more than a friend but you haven't done anything. But, if you don't like me that's alright I mean there's nothing I can do to make you like me. But I.."

Harry reached over and places his hand on her cheek and kisses her afterwards as he pulls away he says" does that answer your question?"

Blushing with her heart racing I nodes yes.

Harry smiles" so about this weekend

Dodge City?"

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